Hong Kong Style Rice Roll🇭🇰港式腸粉
{{越煮越好}}Very Good {{越煮越好}}Very Good
740K subscribers

 Published On Apr 5, 2023

Cheong fun, which is homemade and simple. You can finish it in a few minutes' time. It is a good activity with you kids during Easter holidays.

Homemade cheong fun

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️

乾蔥頭2個 (已去皮)

1. 預備腸粉豉油:
a. 乾蔥頭,放鑊內,加入芫荽頭及辣椒仔。
b. 中慢火加熱。
c. 加入調味料:
2. 調校粉漿:
a. 沾米粉,放入一個大碗內。
b. 木薯粉,放同一個大碗內。
c. 鹽少許,放同一個大碗內。
3. 在不鏽鋼盤上,掃上油半湯匙。
4. 加入粉漿100毫升在不鏽鋼盤內。
5. 大火煲滾1鑊水,蒸粉漿1分鐘,期間要移動隻鑊,令粉漿鋪平在不鏽鋼盤內,熄火。
6. 取出粉皮,切出適當大小,捲成條狀,放碟上。
7. 在不鏽鋼盤內,加入適量粉漿,灑上蝦米及蔥粒,冚蓋,大火蒸1分鐘,熄火。
8. 取出粉皮,切出適當大小,捲成條狀,放碟上。
9. 腸粉豉油,倒在小碟內。
10. 在腸粉上灑上芫荽碎,淋上適量豉油。
11. 完成,可享用。

Homemade cheong fun

Rice flour 300g
Tapioca starch 50g
Dried sea shrimps 30g
Green onion cubes appropriate amount
Shallots 2 Nos. (Already peeled)
Coriander cubes appropriate amount
Chili 1 No. (Divide it into 2 shares vertically, seeds removed)
Stainless steel tray 1 No.

1. Prepare soy sauce for cheong fun:
a. Shallots, put in a wok. Add in root of coriander and chili.
b. Heat up at medium-low flame.
c. Add seasoning:
•light soya sauce 1 tbsp
•dark soya sauce 2 drops
•sugar 1 tbsp
Add in 5 tbsp of water. Heat up at high flame. Check the taste. Cover up the wok. Turn off fire.
2. Prepare the cheong fun syrup:
a. Rice flour, put in a big bowl.
b. Tapioca starch, put in the bowl.
c. Little salt, put in the bowl.
Add in 600ml of water and 1 tbsp of oil, mix well.
3. Brush 0.5 tbsp of oil in the tray.
4. Add in 100ml of the syrup in the tray.
5. Heat up a wok of water at high flame. Steam the syrup for a minute. Move the wok to make the syrup to be even. Turn off fire.
6. Take the sheet jelly. Cut into appropriate size. Roll it up. Put on a plate.
7. In the tray, add in appropriate amount of syrup. Put dried sea shrimps and green onion cubes. Cover up the wok. Steam for a minute. Turn off fire.
8. Take the sheet jelly. Cut into appropriate size. Roll it up. Put on a plate.
9. The soy sauce, is to be poured into a small plate.
10. Put coriander cubes on top of the cheong fun. Pour appropriate amount of soy sauce on top.
11. Complete. Serve.

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