你要學識炒西蘭花🔵You need to learn how to fry broccoli🟣
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 Published On Sep 24, 2024

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


1. 西蘭花,刨去莖上硬的部分,莖部,斜切一片片,放碗內,加入粗鹽1茶匙及清水,浸5分鐘。
2. 西蘭花,取出3朶,切碎,放碟上。
3. 午餐肉,1開3,切條,切粒。

1. 大火煲滾1鑊水,加入粗鹽半茶匙及油1茶匙。
2. 放西蘭花灼2分鐘,去除草青味,擎乾水。
3. 大火在鑊內燒熱油1茶匙。
4. 大火,炒西蘭花至乾身,放上碟。
5. 雞蛋,打勻,加入調味料:
a. 魚露少許
b. 胡椒粉少許
6. 大火在鑊內燒熱油1湯匙。
7. 放午餐肉落鑊煎香。
8. 加入西蘭花及蛋漿。
9. 蛋餅,一面已煎至金黃色,反轉另一面繼續煎。
10. 蛋餅,兩面已煎至金黃色。
11. 完成,上碟,可享用。

Stir frying crispy egg pie with luncheon meat and broccoli

Broccoli 1 No.
Luncheon meat (small) 1 can
Eggs 4 Nos.

1. The broccoli, peel off the rough skins. Stem, slantly sliced, put in a bowl. Add in 1 tsp of cooking salt and tap water. Soak for 5 minutes.
2. The broccoli, get 3 pieces. Chop well. Put on plate.
3. The luncheon meat, divide it into 3 shares. Get it shredded. Dice in cubes.

1. Heat up a wok of water at high flame. Add in 0.5 tsp of cooking salt and 1 tsp of oil.
2. Put broccoli in wok, soak for 2 minutes, to remove unpleasant tastes. Drain.
3. Heat up 1 tsp of oil at high flame in wok.
4. High flame, fry the broccholi until the sauce becomes thick. Put on plate.
5. Eggs, beat well. Add seasoning:
a. Fish sauce little
b. Pepper little
6. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil at high flame in wok.
7. Put luncheon meat in wok, fry well.
8. Add in broccoli and egg syrup.
9. Egg pie, one side has been fried into golden yellow, flip over and continue frying.
10. The egg pie, both sides have been fried into golden yellow.
11. Complete. Put on plate. Serve.

Stir frying crispy egg pie with luncheon meat and broccoli
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