Trio Ditirambe. Beethoven Trio for Two Oboes and English Horn Op. 87
Trio Ditirambe Trio Ditirambe
95 subscribers

 Published On Feb 18, 2020

En el contexto de la conmemoración del 250 aniversario del nacimiento de Beethoven, los oboístas Jesús Fuster, Daniel Fuster y Doménec Hurtado forman el Trío Ditirambe con el reto de interpretar sus dos tríos para dos oboes y corno inglés. Unos tríos escritos por Beethoven a su llegada a Viena en la última década del setecientos, para una combinación de instrumentos que, aunque puede parecer singular, no lo es tanto en el contexto de la época y en el entorno centro europeo. Así, otros tríos similares son los escritos por Franz Krommer, Franz Alexander Poessinger, Joseph Triebensee, Johann Went o Anton Wranitzky.

Celebrating the 250th anniversary of the birth of L. van Beethoven, the oboist Jesús Fuster, Daniel Fuster and Doménec Hurtado started the Ditirambe Trio with the challenge to perform Beethoven’s two trios for two oboes and english horn which were written by Beethoven when he arrived in Vienna at the end of the 18th century. They are written for a combination of instruments which, though way seem peculiar, it is not so taking into account the context of the period and the central European context in which there exists a relatively abundant reperoire for that ensemble. Other works for this tipe of an ensemble were also written by Franz Krommer, Franz Alexander Poessinger, Joseph Triebensee, Johann Went or Anton Wranitzky.

Trío para oboes y corno inglés en Do Mayor Op. 87.
Adagio cantabile
Menuetto. Allegro molto. Scherzo
Finale. Presto

Ludwing van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Jesús Fuster (oboe)
Doménec Hurtado (English Horn)
Daniel Fuster (oboe)

Recorded on January 23th at Vinoteca Enópata (València)

Video and audio recording by Bocabadats Media

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