🍂🏰Taurupes muiža🏰Taurupe manor🏰🍂
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 Published On Dec 12, 2022

🏰The main building or palace of the Taurupe manor is more than 150 years old, but the manor has been here since the 17th century. It is located near Ogre. Be sure to also walk through the park, which hides various surprises, romantic and scenic corners.In the first years of the 18th century, Taurupa was affected by the Northern War, the plague was brought in, and the manor was destroyed and burned, but was soon restored. Later, already in the 19th century, the original manor house was rebuilt for its owner, Baron von Tranze of Flemish origin, according to the famous Baltic German architect, who is the author of the reconstruction of many castles and manors in Latvia, in the Tudor neo-Gothic style of Vilhelm Bokslaf's project.It was a two-story building with Gothic windows and called the "White House", according to the blog "manasvietas.blogspot.com". In the revolution of 1905, the rebels burned it down, but then the manor was restored again and a school was built there, says the Latvian Conversation Dictionary. Later, the roof of the building burned down and a third floor was built during renovation. Publicly available sources say that the currently visible Taurupe manor palace was built in the second half of the 19th century, and in Soviet times - in 1961, as in many similar buildings, a high school was built there, which is still there.🍂🍂🍂Taurupes muižas galvenajai ēkai jeb pilij ir jau vairāk nekā 150 gadu, bet muiža te bijusi jau kopš 17. gadsimta. Tā atrodas netālu no Ogres. Noteikti izstaigājiet arī parku, kas slēpj dažādus pārsteigumus, romantiskus un ainaviskus stūrīšus.Taurupei 18. gadsimta pirmajos gados pāri gāja Ziemeļu karš, ievazāts mēris un arī muiža nopostīta un nodedzināta, bet drīz vien atjaunota. Vēlāk, jau 19. gadsimtā, sākotnējā kungu māja pārbūvēta tās īpašniekam, flāmu izcelsmes baronam fon Tranzē pēc slavenā baltvācu arhitekta, kas ir daudzu Latvijas piļu un muižu pārbūves autors, Vilhelma Bokslafa projekta Tjudoru neogotikas stilā.Tā bija divstāvīga ēka ar gotiskiem zelmiņiem un saukta par "Balto māju", raksta blogā "manasvietas.blogspot.com". 1905. gada revolūcijā nemiernieki to nodedzināja, bet pēc tam muiža atkal atjaunota un tajā ierīkota skola, teikts Latviešu Konversācijas vārdnīcā. Vēlāk ēkai nodega jumts un atjaunojot uzcelts trešais stāvs. Publiski pieejamajos avotos teikts, ka pašreiz redzamā Taurupes muižas pils celta 19. gadsimta otrajā pusē, bet padomju laikos – 1961. gadā, kā jau daudzās līdzīgās celtnēs, tur iekārtota vidusskola, kas tur atrodas joprojām.🏰

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