Premji Ebenezer Premji Ebenezer
40.1K subscribers

 Published On Sep 30, 2019

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This song is about the need for the powerful indwelling of The Holy Spirit in the life of every Christian. My passion and calling as a minister of the Gospel is to lead the church into deeper relationship with God. This is possible only by walking in the Spirit.

The Church or Ekklesia was born on the day of Pentecost in the upper room in southern Jerusalem. It was in this room on Mt Zion where 120 faithful followers of Jesus Christ patiently waited after Christ's Ascension when the Holy Spirit came down.

Acts 2:1-4
"When the day of Pentecost, came they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."

This event marked the birth of the church. It was marked by the spiritual rebirth of a people who were transformed into powerful ambassadors of this new kingdom that Christ had come to inaugurate. The same group of people who had ran and hid in fear now openly proclaimed the Gospel in the marketplaces and highways and byways of Jerusalem. By the power of God's spirit they would eventually bring the mighty Roman Empire to its knees. Even today this same power is available to you and me as born again children of God This song is a call to wait upon the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit into our lives in our generation and thereby fulfill the prophecy of Joel 2:28.

Song: Puthubelanai thaarum
Album: Puthiya Anubavam 4
Artist: Evg Premji Ebenezer
Label: Smooth Pebbles Records

Produced, written, composed and sung by Evg Premji Ebenezer

Arrangements: John Rohith & Evg Premji Ebenezer
Keyboards: John Rohith
Guitars: Keba Jeremiah
Dolak and Tabla: Kiran
Strings: Chennai film orchestra
Background vocals: Joel, Rohith, Preethy, Neena
Mixed and mastered by AM Rahmathullah

DOP: Zizoo Anand
Edit: Steve Joshua
Dolak: Abhishek
Harmonium: John Rohit
Background singers: Ellen Rachel, Esther Betsy & Christian Leslie

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