God's Commands Don't Come with Excuses!
The Ministry Of The Real Truth The Ministry Of The Real Truth
1.25K subscribers

 Published On Aug 13, 2024

"Obey God - Stop Making Excuses!"
As God's divine commandments are absolute,
personal excuses should not prevent adherence to them!

Louis-Gaston de Ségur (1820–1881) was a French writer known for his
religious and moral writings. His works often addressed themes
related to Christian doctrine, including temptation and sin.

Louis-Gaston de Ségur's book "Practical Advice to Young People"
(original French title: "Conseils pratiques aux jeunes"),
published in the late 19th century, offers guidance and moral instruction
aimed at young people.
The book focuses on practical aspects of living a virtuous life
according to Christian principles.
Obey God - Stop making excuses!

God Commands the Impossible, and That's Good :
In fact, only through faith in Christ, without any effort or seeking on our part,
do we fulfill all God's demands and commands to obey
and believe perfectly (Romans 3:31).

God demands we be do-ers of his commands, not try-ers. He doesn't wink at sin either
@: https://www.1517.org › articles › god-commands-the-impossible-and-thats-good

God commands the impossible to stop us dead in our tracks.
When he speaks a command, it shows us our inability to obey or believe
as he commands us to obey and believe - with perfect obedience
and trust from our heart.

When God commands us, for example, to repent and believe the Gospel,
he doesn't want us to respond with;
"Okay, I'll get right on that.
And, don't worry, I'm gonna do my best, you'll see."

What he wants is for us to say;
"But… that's impossible."
Only then, when God reveals to us that we have nothing to offer him
, nothing we can do to meet his expectations of perfect obedience and faith,
that there's nothing lovable about us that would make him want to love us -

only then when we've had the veil pulled back on our sin,
are we ready to receive Christ.

If we imagine we can obey God's command, or trust him in perfect faith,
then Christ's perfect obedience and faith,
which fulfilled all God's demands, was for nothing.
@: https://www.1517.org/articles/god-commands...

Obey God - Stop making excuses - Cedar Ministry
Jesus said, "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin,
but now they have no excuse for their sin" (John 15:22 NCV).

Don't make excuses.
God won't ask you to obey His word
if it is impossible for you to obey it;
His commandments are not harsh.
@: https://cedarministry.org/obey-god-dont-ma...

The Bible says, “People have no excuse for the bad things they do”
(Rom 1:20c NCV).

No saint has any excuse to sin.
“You are not slaves; you are free.
But your freedom is not an excuse to do evil.
(1 Peter 2:16 NLT).

5 Loopholes We Use to Excuse Sin :
We come up with all sorts of excuses to downplay sin and avoid true repentance.
It's easy to mouth the words of an apology, to others or God,
while feeling out possible loopholes that leave room for future indulgence.
@: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org › article › 5-loopholes-excuse-sin

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