[HD FANVID] | 最喜歡與你一起的時光 | 718赫海十週年 | EUNHAE | 赫海*
sanxz sanxz
12.1K subscribers

 Published On Jul 19, 2017

赫海十週年快樂* Happy 10th Eunhae Anniversary*

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2017年的夏天, 你們終於重遇了。
退伍式那天那久別重逢的擁抱, 那藏著千言萬語的眼神和笑容, 即使沒有說出口但也能感受到那份喜悅和珍惜。
相廝相守同行10年,李東海還是那個喜歡黏著跟隨著李赫宰的小孩,李赫宰還是那個無時無刻盯著李東海暗中保護他照顧他的同行人, 每一個小細節都表現出你們對對方的關懷和感情, 我相信無論過了多少年, 這一切永遠都不會改變。
我很慶幸能見證這段感情, 也感謝你們沒有放棄。10年走來很不容易, 要保持初心不被污染更難。請你們一定要一直站在對方身邊, 支持對方, 永遠做對方的固定同行人。
這一次重聚以後, 你們就是永遠了。
I love you then, I love you now.

P.S. 對不起我晚了... 是太久沒剪有點生疏了還是電腦不太聽使的關係, 現在已經沒辦法一個晚上剪完一個影片 - -" 還是希望大家會喜歡吧!

2017 Summer, you two finally met again.
I cannot express how moved I was when I see you two appeared on the each other's discharge. The hug, the smile, the eye expressions... they are like an unfinished poem where all the love and unsaid words hide.
From 2006, Donghae has been always following Hyukjae to everywhere, while Hyukjae always staring at Donghae assisting him secretly. All these tiny moves show how you two love to be with each other and how much you care. Thank you for not giving up so that I could witness this beautiful love.
It is hard to stay pure and come to this point after 10 years. Please stay by his side as always and be the fixed partner supporting each other going forward.
I love you then, I love you now.

P.S. Sorry I am one day late... It has been a loooong while since my last edit. My computer isn't working quite well so I guess I am no longer able to edit within a night like the past - -" Anyways, hope you guys will enjoy it!

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