Friends Forever by Tina K - first release w subtitles 首播 (stories behind the song in description)
Tina K Tina K
2.77K subscribers

 Published On Dec 21, 2019

#Friendsforever #SingerSongwriter #firstrelease #iwillrememberyou #fighters #inGodshands #holdontoJesus #itsChristmas #cancer #respect #motivationalsong #comforting #RIP #forfriendswhopassedaway #vocalcoach

This is the first release of my song called “Friends Forever”.
Stories behind the song:
On May 22, 2019, I was shocked to hear a bad news - my cancer-fighting friend passed away. It was so sudden to me! From the day that she got diagnosed through the whole treatment process, she was sooooo positive and enduring! She and her mom believed in Jesus and got baptized during the period. That day I heard the news, I had no mood for anything. I planned to do her a cover song to cheer for her, but it was too late…. I sat there alone quietly, then suddenly had lyrics and melodies in my mind. When I was revising the lyrics later on one day, I looked out my window and saw a rainbow. That was unusual. I felt linked to her through it.

I also thought of 2 other friends that passed away in recent years. One was a husband of my close friend, also died due to cancer. I was even there at his last moment, and attended his memorial service, but still couldn’t believe he has died, feeling that he’s just gone to another place, just that we couldn’t meet for now. Last year, another beloved sister passed away due to a very special illness. The road that she walked through was with strength, bravery and with so much love! All of our fellows were all so sad. They were fighters that had glorified God and testified how true God is. Knowing that they are now with God brings comfort to us. I put what I felt, how I missed them and how God comforts me in this song, dedicating to my friends and others who lost their loved ones, hope you can be comforted by and in peace, and to remind ourselves that we have to share the good news to others. Christmas is coming! Hope people know that this is not about Santa Claus, but Jesus Christ who brings salvation, peace and hope to us! If not with His birth, we don’t get the salvation. May God bless you all.

If you like this song, please "like" and share to someone you think that needs comfort from the song! Thanks!

2019.5.22 我收到一個突然的消息,一位抗癌姊妹去世了。真的很突然!從得知生病到治療過程,她一直很正面、很堅忍!她和她媽媽也在那段時間信了耶穌,受了洗。當天我完全沒有心情做任何事,原本還計劃cover 一首歌送給她作鼓勵的,怎料已經太遲。。。一個人靜靜坐著,就開始寫下了這首歌來。之後再修改歌詞時,一邊修,一望出窗外竟然見到一瞥彩虹,我感受到那是非一般的彩虹,好像是連著我倆的心的一道橋。。。
回想這幾年,一位好友的丈夫也是抗癌勇士,我甚至有幸在病床邊送他最後一程,即或是這樣親自送他到了殮房,出席了安息禮拜,仍然有一種很難相信的感覺,就像他只是去了另一個地方,暫時未能見面而己。去年,有一位大家也很愛的姊妹因為一個很罕見又特殊的病也回天家去了,她走過的是多麼堅強、多麼勇敢、多麼有愛的生命!雖然他們的離去讓我們很傷心、很可惜,但他們都是鬥士、勇士,為主所作的是何等真實、何等榮耀的見證,知道他們與主耶穌一起在天家也令我們感安慰。 我將自己所想所感、思念之情、神的安慰寫在這首歌之中,獻給朋友們,希望失去了摯友的你們能得著安慰和平安,也要珍惜每個傳福音、救靈魂的機會!聖誕節將臨,希望大家記得這個節日不是關於傳說中的聖誕老人,而是那位給予世人救恩、平安和盼望的主耶穌基督!沒有祂的誕生,我們就得不著救恩!願主祝福大家!

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