煲仔饭 Claypot Rice | 简单 好味 锅气十足 | Mr. Hong Kitchen
Mr. Hong Kitchen阿鸿厨房 Mr. Hong Kitchen阿鸿厨房
342K subscribers

 Published On Jun 11, 2021

这一期视频和大家分享我很喜欢吃的一道家庭版煲仔饭,在家一样可以做出美味及锅气十足的味道 尝试做了您就会爱上
煮煲仔饭注意火候 材料下锅后慢火烧四周 一步接一步的侧摆动作 保证不烧焦 还能形成 漂亮的饭焦(锅巴)

煲仔饭,就是喜欢一锅熟,简单,快速,又美味,这次试着把砂锅重复转移,摆侧烧,有美美的锅巴 😋😋😋谢谢阿鸿分享。

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材料: (wpy)
白米 250g
青葱花 2棵
腊肠 1条 (温水泡一泡,去肠衣,斜切片)
鸡腿肉 1只 (斩小块)
腌料: (混合均匀腌制至少30分钟)
姜丝少许,葱白少许,蚝油 1汤匙,生抽 1汤匙,绍兴酒 1汤匙,
糖 1茶匙,盐1/2茶匙,香油少许,黑酱油少许,玉米粉 1汤匙

黑酱油 适量

1. 白米洗净后沥干水倒入砂锅里加入水,浸泡20分钟,加入少许香油,
将砂锅转移摆侧烧煮(如何摆请看视频 🤣),重复至每个砂锅边都煮过,

Ingredients (Diana)
1. Rice 1 bowl (wash twice and soak for 20min in the claypot)
2. Chicken drumstick x1 cut smaller pieces and wash (marinate at least 2hours with ginger julienne, white spring onion, 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 1tbsp shao xing, 1tbsp oyster sauce, little fragrant oil, 1tbsp light and mix. Then little dark soya sauce and 1tbsp corn flour to mix well)
3. Chinese sausage soak in hot water for 5min, then cut slices
4. Ginger cut julienne
5. White spring onion diced
6. Green spring onion diced

1. Wash twice and soak the rice in the claypot for 20min (rice:water=1:1)
2. Add a little fragrant oil and turn on high heat to let it boil for 3-5min with lid on
3. Once the water has reduced, add in chicken and chinese sausage. Drizzle some fragrant oil on the side of the rice. Then cover with lid with medium small heat and cook for 1min
4. Turn the claypot to the side and cook for a while, then change to another side. Continue to the same for all four sides. The whole process takes about 18-20min
5. Turn off heat and rest for 5min
6. Open the lid and drizzle some dark soya sauce on the rice.
7. Drizzle some spring onion
8. Ready to serve

Recipe from Mr Hong kitchen
12/6/2021 (sat)

#ClaypotRice #Claypot #Rice #WokHey #煲仔饭 #瓦煲饭 #砂锅饭
#食谱 #Recipe #MrHongKitchen

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