Nature and Process of Communication (Quiz and Activities) Oral Communication MELC-Based Lesson
Teacher Marissa Teacher Marissa
126 subscribers

 Published On Jul 9, 2021

Oral communication implies communication through mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, discussions are all forms of oral communication.

Explain the nature and process of communication;
At the end of the lesson, we will be able to answer the following questions.
1. What is communication
2. What is the nature of communication?
3. What are the elements of communication?
4. How does the process of communication happen?

What exactly is communication?
Communication came from the Latin word communicare which means to share (weekly, E., 1967)
It is a process of exchanging information, sharing thoughts or opinions and ideas, beliefs, feelings or emotionswith another person or group of person through verbal, (Written or spoken words), and non verbal (body language)not achieve a particular goal or purpose.
As I have said, communication is very vital, it happens everywhere, it is used by everyone from infants to adults. So it is also important to understand its nature and process.
Let’s start with its Nature.
1. Communication is a process
This means that communication is active and cyclical. It begins from one step to another
2. Communication occurs between two or more people.
In here, the sender and the speaker take an active part
In other words, communication is interactive
3. Communication ca be expressed through written or spoken words, actions (nonverbal) or both spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time.
This means that communication is symbolic.

Communication is divided into different elements which help us better understand its mechanics or process.
To begin, we always start with the sender who initiates the communication. The sender has idea that he is trying to get to a receiver. So how does an idea get from the sender to the receiver? Well, that idea is the third element in the communication cycle and it is called the message (the idea being communicated.
Here is an example:
The sender has a very important and specific idea in mind. He is in love and he can’t wait to communicate it.
So now we arrive at our fourth element, the Encoding phase. To encode simply means to package the message and you only have three options, either verbal, nonverbal or a combination of the two.
Our sender has decided that a love letter would be the best way to encode his message.
This brings us to our fifth element which is the channel. Channel is defined as to how the receiver takes in the message. Human beings have five channels.
What do you think are these five channels?
Excellent! These are our five senses. Hearing, seeing and feeling are the primary ways in which human beings take information and in our example if it is a love letter, he will be using sight.
Having taken this message, she now needs to make sense of it and another word for that is our sixth element and that is -to decode. So if encoding is packaging your message, decoding is making sense of it. So she has unpackaged the message now all we do is wait for her response.
What do you think?
Will she like him?
Ok, it looks like she is and that is the response that she is giving right there, that is our seventh element and that is the feedback loop. Any response the receiver gives to the sender.
So there you have it.
One effective cycle of communication.
But wait, I think we are forgetting one important thing which is our eight element and that is noise or barrier which is simply defined as anything complicating a message being sent or received. So if our sender has bad handwriting, our receiver can no longer decode his message. When that happens, her response can be altered and therein changes the feedback. So in the end it seems miscommunication is just as much a part of this cycle

Oral Communication in Context
Senior High School
Grade 11

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