My COVID-19 experience | Symptoms to ER in 5 days
Jason Thompson Jason Thompson
3.91K subscribers

 Published On May 22, 2020



------------------------------ Edit: July 1 - Final Update --------------------------

The algorithm won't let go of this video. I posted this back in May to let my small community know what was going on with me. I titled it with 'I contracted COVID-19 While following all the rules.." because I was truly frustrated that somehow I still caught it after going out once and following the rules while out ( 6 feet distance, mask, washing hands etc ) It was attracting way too many negatively charged comments. So I have removed that from the title. It was not my intention to fuel a debate, argument, or the toxicity I've witnessed in the comments. We need less toxicity in the world right now and I'd rather not add to it.

Thanks again for the positive messages and it's been good to see that this video has helped some people identify symptoms or at least let them know that they're not going crazy if experiencing similar symptoms.

I considered turning off comments, but I see others helping each other as well. If the toxicity continues to get out of hand I will likely turn them off. We can't keep our focus there. I won't be replying to any further comments. Please see the pinned comment for answers to the most common questions. I hope you all stay safe and healthy.

---------------------------------- Edit: June 25th ---------------------------------
This is not a political post, nor is it fake. It does not represent any political views. I am a citizen who fell ill. It is not intended to sway your beliefs one way or another. I posted this to share what I was going through, and to help others who may be questioning their symptoms. If you have doubts about anything you should not be watching YouTube videos. Talk to someone that's been infected or lost someone. If you don't know anyone that's been impacted.. . count yourself lucky.

PRO TIP: If you think videos like this are fake, stop clicking on them and commenting, it only helps the video reach more people.

I’m not sure why this video is being pushed so much. I won’t be posting any more coronavirus videos out of respect of how serious this is. Thanks for your support please take care of yourselves

------------------------------------------ FAQ ------------------------------------------------
I'm in Georgia
I'm in my late 30s
I work from home (I called off work to leave to get tested)
I did not wear eye protection
My mask was not n95
The antibiotics i mentioned (azithromycin) were to prevent infection of my pneumonia. It helped with the pain from pneumonitis. It does NOT treat the viral COVID infefection.
I have had low vitamin D in the past, due to working from home for over a decade.
I am not O blood type
No Preconditions (I don’t smoke , I only drink at weddings etc)
I have had the flu vaccine
The test I mentioned in the video came back negative. The ER diagnosed positive for Coronavirus Infection

I'm doing well now and my family is still safe. I have occasional chest pains but nothing more. I posted a follow up one month later :    • Just an update...  

Original Description ( MAY 22 )--------------------------------
I think we all feel like it won't happen to us. I felt this way, and despite my efforts to practice social distance, wash my hands and stay at home, I contracted the novel coronavirus disease. I was only in public for more than 10 min once in the last 90 days. In this video I explain the one encounter that may have been the culprit.

The support for the channel over the last 90 days has been tremendous. Thank you for your support! Now you know what's been going on with me. We'll get back to the creative journey soon.

Stay Safe. Keep Creating.

-------------------The gear I use to make videos---------------------

*These links are generated by Amazon and provide me with a small percentage should you use them to purchase. There is no additional cost to you!
Thanks for the support! Go create something!

Phone: Iphone 11 Pro
Main Camera:
Favorite Prime Lens :
All Around Zoom Lens:
Good Ol' Nifty Fifty:
Affordable Mic:
Even MORE affordable Mic:
Great LED Studio Light:
New favorite vlog/tabletop tripod:
My old vlogging tripod:
Friction Arm:
Mic Stand:

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