Eradicate Idolatry (Drash Only)
Lapid Judaism Lapid Judaism
13.4K subscribers

 Published On Mar 30, 2024

Don't let pastors gaslight you! Easter is pagan. The christian religious festival / holiday known as Easter is inherently pagan. it is a historical fact that all of its customs are derived from the goddess worship of the Germanic / Anglo - Saxon / Celtic goddess Eostre or Ostara. Jewish law strictly prohibits a Jew from having any involvement with paganism or idolatry. We are not allowed to benefit from it not use any of its elements in the worship of HaShem or for any other purpose. Easter is named after the goddess of resurrection and dawn. Why do "believers" celebrate the resurrection of "jesus christ" on a holiday named after a false goddess; using every single one of her idolatrous symbols and traditions? #antichrist #falsereligion #wicca #witchcraft #falseprophet #paul

Easter. Eostre. Ostara. Ishtar. Colored eggs. Easter bunny. Paganism. goddess worship. Wicca. Celts. Anglo Saxon deities. #gaslighting Come out of Babylon. The Torah Forbids all form of idolatry to include Christmas, Easter & Halloween

In this video, Rabbi exposes the "that's not what it means to me" myth.

From the Wicca Teachings Facebook:
"Ostara is an Anglo Saxon and Celtic fertility festival worshiping the Goddess Ostara or Eostre as she is also known. Eggs and rabbits are her fertility symbols. The egg resembles new life and birth and the rabbit signifies fertility.

The Horned Sun God also known as The Oak King or the Lord of Light, the God of the waxing sun and the Gods Pan, Cernunnos and other Sun Gods such as Sol, Apollo, Attis, Ra and Horus are also worshiped on this day.

Eostre is the Saxon version of the Goddess Ostara. Her feast day was held on the first Full Moon following the Spring equinox. this is the identical time as the Christian Easter when Jesus was said to be resurrected from death, they adopted this day for Jesus resurrection when they were converting Pagans into Christians. The Sun God Attis who was born via a virgin birth is resurrected each year during the time on the Spring Equinox. The Goddesses Ishtar and Persephone were also both resurrected from death on Ostara."

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Lapid Judaism | | Lapid Judaism represents an authentic Orthodox Judaism centered on Messiah Yeshua. #rabbigriffin #rabbimordecaigriffin

Baruch HaShem, may the Ahavat Ammi (Love for my people) grow. We forever give praise and thanks to HaShem Who has given us Yeshua (ישוע), the Rock of our lives (Tzur Chayeinu / צור חיינו), the Shield of our Salvation (Magen Yisheinu / מגן ישענו)! He is the Messiah (Moshiach / משיח) of Israel!!l

We very much appreciate the important work of Rabbi Tovia Singer, of Outreach Judaism, and specifically his revealing of the deceptions of Paul who was a false apostle. #rabbitoviasinger

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