The largest food court in China|Introductions to eating, playing|Canton Food Tour|Guangzhou Travel
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 Published On Aug 2, 2024

#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州旅遊 #廣州美食 #探店

completely self-funded food reviews, no commercial cooperation.
Address:Fashion Tianhe East 1st Street 082C (天河區時尚天河商業廣場東区東一街082C)
Google map:
Baidu map:
Nearby Metro:Guangzhou Metro Line 1 Sports Center Station Exit D3, walk 250 meters (體育中心站 D3出口)
Consume:套餐(馬來西亞椰漿飯+絲襪奶茶)¥39.5 套餐(叻沙海鮮面+梅子檸檬桔子水)¥44.5

Address:No. 098, East 1st Street, Gate 9, Fashion Tianhe(天河區時尚天河9号門東一街098号)
Google map:
Baidu map:
Nearby Metro:Guangzhou Metro Line 1 Sports Center Station Exit D3, walk 150 meters (體育中心站 D3出口)
Video testimonials:
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Fashion Tianhe:
Fashion Tianhe Commercial Plaza is located in the center of the country's first business district "Tianhe Business District" - on the golden axis, the project runs through all shopping malls and high-end office buildings along the Tianhe route, connects to Metro Line 1 and 3, and connects to Tiyu West Road Subway Station, Sports Center Subway Station, MRT Line, BRT and other transportation hubs, which is the largest and best location of the underground commercial leisure shopping plaza. The project has 3,000 stalls (1,000 in the first phase), 3,500 underground parking spaces (2,000 in the first phase), 42 exits (nearly 20 in the first phase), 6 main connections along the street, and other entrances along Tianhe Road and the Olympic Sports Plaza.
The positioning of fashion Tianhe will focus on personalized, trendy, cutting-edge, novelty and differentiated fashion characteristics. The mall is divided into four areas: brand clustering block, personalized boutique block, trendy and colorful department store area, and food court.
Fashionable Tianhe Commercial Plaza has become the largest and most functional modern underground comprehensive shopping center in China, raising the commercial development of Guangzhou to a new level, becoming a new landmark of modern business in Guangzhou, and the first choice for citizens and tourists to shop, leisure and sightseeing.

時尚天河商業廣場位於全國第一商圈「天河商圈」的正中心位置——黃金中軸線上,本專案貫穿天河路線沿線所有商場及高檔寫字樓,接駁地鐵1、3號線,連通體育西路地鐵站、體育中心地鐵站、捷運線、BRT等交通樞紐,是體量最大、位置最優的地下商業休閒購物廣場。 項目佔擁有檔口3000個(一期1000個),地下停車位3500個(一期2000個),出口42個(一期出口近20個),沿街主連接口6個,其他口部分別分佈在天河路沿線及奧林匹克體育廣場之上。
時尚天河定位重點突出個人化、潮流化、前沿化、新奇化、差異化的時尚特色。 商場共劃分四大區域:品牌薈萃街區、個性精品店街區、潮流繽紛百貨區、美食廣場。


00:00 Intro
00:16 體育中心地鐵站/時尚天河/地圖
01:43 喜久田糕點
03:39 嘛嘛檔/菜單
06:36 絲襪奶茶/梅子檸檬桔子水
07:14 叻沙海鮮面
09:02 馬來西亞椰漿飯
11:41 時尚天河東一街美食
14:04 春之花
16:19 時尚天河東一街美食
17:16 時尚天河東二街美食
20:07 時尚天河香榭麗美食區
20:58 卡丁車/室內滑雪/籃球
22:03 4D電影/保齡球/桌遊/電競/主機遊戲/麻將/桌球
25:09 射箭/寵物店/輪滑
27:13 時尚天河東五街美食
28:30 Ending

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