(一日限定)(風雲再起🌧)🇭🇰 新巴 NWFB
Anthony Hong Anthony Hong
3.49K subscribers

 Published On Dec 21, 2021

#舊車冇人接😪 #一日梯位無廣限定 #2021Regday特約 #等咗成個鐘MB #跳埋65心更攰😥 #港島d站會唔會太多 #由正光等到落雨真係很興奮 #隔離仲有情侶傾到尾多L謝 #5點鐘都有好多客入赤柱lol #風琴腳到部車好似好虧 #進入烏雲帶 #只因太黑仔 #勞改故事 #假日香隧赤柱特快 #燥底到頹揸 #今年的冬至一早一晚仍是有雨🌧
**跳過路線介紹和車輛特寫: 由04:11 開始觀看。Travelling scene starts at 04:11 **
Reference timepoint: 23:45 香島道Island Road 28:02 淺水灣道Repulse Bay Road 35:48舂磡角道Chung Hom Kok Road 39:00環角道Cape Road
今年的冬至一早一晚仍是有雨,讓我不禁聯想起這條尚未公開的失敗赤柱遊。今年暑假的8月15日是港大新生註冊日,學生會已被執笠的同時,23線亦有一舊舊的短歐五#4034 PE7880 以梯位無廣的姿態行走,猶如時光正在倒流。完了外送和拍攝到入站相後立即來到北角等待它的下程,不幸地,它沒有繼續行走23而是等待下位車長接車。最終等到跳至65線的16:40班次,而天色亦漸漸變壞,不知它還有多少無添的時間和能否避開雷雨,唯有放棄返回港大的23而入赤柱。
#4034 最終真的只有一日的梯廣空窗期。一轉即逝的機會往往抓不緊,而及後的成果亦未必最為理想。當日在漫遊赤柱而對大型歌唱活動的人群眾集而感恐懼,但到了現在亦應好好釋放負面情緒。風雲再起時,雖然不是不敗之身,但應保持永不放棄的心。
This year's winter solstice is raining in the morning and night, which reminds me of this failed Stanley tour that has not yet been published. This summer, August 15 is the University of Hong Kong freshman registration day. The student union was dismissed, while there is an old Euro V E500 with no advertisement on the ladder side running 23 line as if time is flowing backward. After finishing the delivery and photoing in Victoria Park, I immediately went to North Point Ferry to wait for its next trip. Unfortunately, it did not continue on the 23 but waited for the next bus captain to pick it up. Finally, it departed the 16:40 departure of route 65, and the sky was getting worse. Well, I had no choice but to get onboard.
NWFB 65 provides express service between Stanley and North Point Ferry Pier on holidays. The major difference with route 63 on weekdays is that it takes Aberdeen Tunnel instead of Tai Hang Road to the Southern District. The fare is $10.3 which is similar to other Stanley routes of NWFB, but I still feel a little skimpy. I naturally had higher expectations for the performance of the bus due to no adv on the ladder side, but the driver was reluctant to have bus fans onboard and there were many private cars on the road between Stanley and Repulse Bay during Sunday evening, so the whole journey was safer than I thought. It took me 51 minutes to reach Stanley Village. The couple sitting next to me kept chatting, but I felt hesitant about the trip.
#4034 was indeed having this single day of opportunity to be a "new bus" without adv only. Opportunities that pass quickly are often not seized, and the results may not be the most desirable. I was scared of the crowds at the big singing event when I was roaming Stanley, but now I should let go of my negative feelings. When the storm rises again, although I am not invincible, I shall never give up.

Bus: NWFB #4034 PE7880 (Alexander Dennis Limited Enviro 500 Mk II Euro V ZF 6HP604C 11.3M)
Bus Frist Reg. Date: 12/4/2010
Film Date: Sunday 15/8/2021 16:40-17:31
Route: NWFB 65 北角碼頭 至 赤柱市集 North Point Ferry Pier to Stanley Market
Bus Fare: HKD 10.3
Total Travel Distance: 16.0km

實際行車抵站時間 Actual Bus stop arrival time
(總行車時間 Journey time: 51分鐘 mins)
16:40 1.北角碼頭 North Point Ferry Pier
16:43 2.琴行街、北角站 Kam Hong Street, North Point Station
16:44 3.新都城大廈 Metropole Building
16:45 4.美麗閣 Mary Court
16:47 5.新時代廣場 New Trend Plaza
16:49 6.炮台山站 Fortress Hill Station
16:51 7.清風街 Tsing Fung Street
16:52 8.皇仁書院、維多利亞公園 Queen's College, Victoria Park
16:53 9.香港中央圖書館 Hong Kong Central Library
16:55 10.伊榮街 Irving Street
16:57 11.希慎廣場、崇光百貨、銅鑼灣站 Hysan Place, Sogo Department Store, Causeway Bay Station
16:58 12.堅拿道東、時代廣場 Canal Road East, Times Square
16:59 13.堅拿道巴士專用線 Canal Road bus only road
17:01 14.跑馬地馬場 Happy Valley Racecourse
(17:02 Route1 黃泥涌峽天橋 Wong Nai Chung Gap Flyover)
(17:02 香港仔隧道 Aberdeen Tunnel)
17:05 15.黃竹坑新圍、海洋公園站 Wong Chuk Hang San Wai, Ocean Park Station
17:07 16.鄉村俱樂部 Hong Kong Country Club
17:10 17.深水灣 Deep Water Bay
17:11 18.蒲苑 Deepdene
17:12 19.香島小築 Island Club
17:13 20.麗景道 Belleview Drive
17:14 21.淺水灣海灘 Repulse Bay Beach
17:16 22.保華大廈 Repulse Bay Towers
17:17 23.淺水灣道127號 127 Repulse Bay Road
17:20 24.赫蘭道 Headland Road
17:21 25.舂磡角道11號 11 Chung Hom Kok Road
17:21 26.舂坎角消防局 Chung Hom Kok Fire Station
17:22 27.環角道 Cape Road
17:22 28.舂磡角道72號 72 Chung Hom Kok Road
17:23 29.舂坎角海灘 Chung Hom Kok Beach
17:24 30.環角徑 Cape Drive
17:25 31.赤柱觀音寺 Kwun Yum Buddhist Monastery
17:25 32.龍欣苑龍騰閣 Lung Tan House, Lung Yan Court
17:27 33.馬坑邨駿馬樓 Chun Ma House, Ma Hang Estate
17:27 34.赤柱廣場 Stanley Plaza
17:31 35.赤柱村 Stanley Village

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