The Unpardonable Sin Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
WarningThePeople WarningThePeople
39.4K subscribers

 Published On Feb 14, 2020

The Unpardonable Sin Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
Chances are if you are watching this video, you are someone who wants to get right with God, in hopes there is still salvation for your soul. As long as you want to get right with Jesus, you CAN get right with Him and there is HOPE for you. Jesus paid the price with His very blood on the cross to cover over your sins and to make the way for you into everlasting life. There is a sin though, called the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which leads to certain death, and there are some people who have committed it. You can read about this sin in Matthew chapter 12:22-32 and the scenario is that Jesus has just cast out a demon from a man, the Pharisees oversee this and they are filled with Jealousy, they are filled with jealously and hatred, they don’t want the power to leave them and be with Jesus, so throw an accusation at Jesus saying that He cast that demon out by the ruler of the demons Beelzebub. I’m sure that these Pharisees did not really think that Jesus was casting out demons by a demon, because after all, we know that a house cannot stand if it’s divided against itself. Why would satan cast out satan? But at the end of this scenario Jesus says that the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven in this age or the age to come. Jesus says you can speak evil against Him and be forgiven, but not against the Holy Spirit. So, what does He mean? Well, one scenario of speaking evil against the Son of Man… or one example would be someone who has been disillusioned by the church. They don’t like the hypocrisy there, they see all Christians as hypocrites, so they reject Jesus along with the entire Christian church. There IS hope for those people because they have not rejected the Holy Spirit, they have rejected hypocrisy, and even if they have spoken evil of Jesus they can still repent and the Lord will still forgive them, they have NOT blasphemed the Holy Spirit. But the difference between someone who has blasphemed the Son of Man and the Holy Spirit is the person who has blasphemed the Holy Spirit has seen the power of God, they have seen the ministry of the Holy Spirit, either they have seen miracles, or they have seen that the Holy Spirit IS THE TRUTH and THEN they have chosen to call the work of Holy Spirit demonic to hold onto what they KNOW is a lie, dead religion. That is exactly what the Pharisees did, and there are some pastors who are doing that today. They become jealous of the work of the Holy Spirit and instead of joining the Holy Spirit and leaving behind their dead religion, they want the power for themselves. So they start telling people that the work of the Holy Spirit is a demon, and that if you are hearing the Holy Spirit you are probably hearing own emotions… you shouldn’t speak in tongues, you shouldn’t hear from the Lord in a dream or a vision because that would be satanic. They start speaking blasphemy against the Holy Spirit because they are jealous and they don’t want anyone to be led by the Holy Spirit, they would rather people come to them that THEY could be the Good Teacher. This kind of sin will NEVER be forgiven, these men that are doing this have seen the power of God and they reject it. They want to be their own god and they want other people to worship THEM, not the Holy Spirit. Watch out for people that call you to themselves and don’t point to Jesus Christ. Watch out for these shepherds that blaspheme the Holy Spirit and speak evil against Him. But don’t let the devil accuse you saying that you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit and you can’t get right with the Lord because maybe sometime in your past, maybe that you don’t even know of, you have spoken evil of the Holy Spirit and therefore you have no chance. You CAN reconcile with Jesus, you can get right with Him today. Start PRAYING, ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and be serious to do what you know is right. Live according to your conscience, and Jesus WILL quickly and easily forgive you. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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