灣聲樂團 2020【臺灣的聲音 新年音樂會】臺灣百年風華 李哲藝:《一路走過來》 A Century of Taiwanese Music Che-Yi Lee: Coming a Long Way
灣聲樂團OneSongOrchestra 灣聲樂團OneSongOrchestra
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 Published On Jan 11, 2020

2020 臺灣的聲音 灣聲樂團新年音樂會

A Century of Taiwanese Music
Che-Yi Lee: Coming a Long Way
第一樂章:自然風聲 First Movement: Sounds of Natural Wind
第二樂章:大地嘆息 Second Movement: Sighing of the Land
第三樂章:雨後春筍 Third Movement: Germination After the Rain
第四樂章:青春吶喊 Fourth Movement: Spring Scream
第五樂章:百花綻放 Fifth Movement: Blossoming of Hundreds of Flowers

音樂總監暨指揮│李哲藝 Music Director & Conductor / Che-Yi Lee
行政總監│歐聰陽 Executive Director, Tsung-Yang Ou
執行長│蔡珮漪Chief Executive Officer, Pei-Yi Tsai
行政│戴彤依 鄭名婕

第一小提琴 1st Violin
梁茜雯 沈羿彣 蘇凌彥 葉奕宏 王康恬 許嘉倩 孫紹恩
顏毓恒 陳姵怡 蘇鈺淇 陳逸群 林文超 胡瑋玲

第二小提琴 2nd Violin
黃裕峯 鄭囿蓉 蔡悅晨 蕭伊妙 廖家嫻 魯家安
陳玟佐 陳仕杰 陳威廷 楊勝閎 蔡君賢 陳惠恩

中提琴 Viola
王 瑞 郭勁廷 羅培菁 王敏玲 史政加
林怡君 許哲惠 尤梓薰 張凱雯 胡卉芸

大提琴 Violoncello
李建樺 紀君玲 孫韻淳 吳怡慧 莊于瑢
陳妍蓉 闕琬葶 王鈺淩 許雅婷 王郁晴

低音提琴 Double Bass
陳維哲 蔡歆婕 陳仕庭
許舒涵 游季慈 許亞歆

豎琴 Harp 廖主恆

長笛Flute 蕭雅心 吳思芳
雙簧管 Oboe 李斐雯 聶羽萱
單簧管 Clarinet陳威稜 張慧楓
低音管 Bassoon 劉澤文 吳南妤
法國號 French Horn劉品均 蔡秉秀 廖竑翔 黃嘉怡
小 號 Trumpet高信譚 黃盈綺
長 號 Trombone蔡佳融 王翎
低音號 Tuba陳建勛
揚琴 Yangqin杜宛霖
琵琶 Pipa 陳昱蓉
二胡 Erhu 曾維庸
笛子 Di 任重
笙 Sheng 楊智博
定音鼓 Timpani黃英哲
擊樂 Percussion 孫綾 葉柏岑 廖文森

Che-Yi Lee: Coming a Long Way
A Century of Taiwanese Music

第一樂章 自然的風聲
First Movement: Sounds of Natural Wind

It was a time of natural folksongs. Many simple melodies were passed from person to person, telling numerous stories of life. They remain the precious records of that time. From these songs, we get a glimpse of the life of our forefathers.

第二樂章 大地嘆息
Second Movement: Sighing of the Land

In a time of colonialism, using one's own language to write songs wasn't easy. Yet many artists still managed to write their own songs. Though the music was sad, people found hope in the darkness, leaving behind glorious melodies.

第三樂章 雨後春筍
Third Movement: Germination After the Rain

Closing the chapter of the last era, we entered into a new culture, with music that sang new melodies and life. Despite all the work needed to rebuild life, a life of resilience and hope has ushered in a new generation. The classic tunes from this era have become the common memories of Chinese around the world, and it will continue unrelenting with the times.

第四樂章 青春吶喊:
Fourth Movement: Spring Scream

Resist foreign cultures, sing your own songs. That was the fundamental thinking during the era of campus folksongs. This thinking also planted the seeds of Chinese pop music, opening the way to two decades of musical renaissance for Taiwanese music. The young people at the time had a self-awakening and created their own culture, using their own language to sing in their own style. They filled the streets with the songs they created, while refusing the translated versions of Western pop music. This awakening led to a glowing Chinese pop music scene in the following decades.

第五樂章 百花綻放
Fifth Movement: Blossoming of Hundreds of Flowers

Having been culturally nourished over the past century, Taiwanese pop music has accumulated a power and drive that has embraced all different styles. The creative powers and resources of Hong Kong, China and Taiwan have led to the flourishing of their music everywhere. Such music is the integration of different cultures with the adoption of forms and styles that have a wider world view. This is the future trend and the driving force of Taiwanese music into the next century.

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