long Mandala Offering (1), continue by (2)
Feeling Lighter Feeling Lighter
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 Published On May 16, 2023

This video is long Mandala Offering Teaching first part, the second part is on next video:
   • long mandala offering 2nd part, it is...  
此视频为教学供曼达盘第一部分,第二部分链接为:   • long mandala offering 2nd part, it is...  

OM, the Vajra ground AH HUNG
The ground is a completely pure and very strong golden foundation
OM, the Vajra fence AH HUNG
The outer periphery is completely surrounded by a wall of iron mountains, in the center of which isHUNG

1 (from which aroses)Mount Mehru,the king of mountains
2 In the east is Luphag PO (PURVA-VIDEHA)
3 In the south isDzambuling (Jambudvipa)
4 In the west is Balangchod (Aparagodaniya)
5 In the north is Draminyan (Uttarakuru)
6-7 In the east are the sub-continents Lu and Lupag
8-9 In the south the sub-continents Ngayab and Ngayabzhan
10-11In the west are the sub-continents Voden and Lamchogdro
12-13In the north are the sub-continents Draminyan and Draminyangida
14 (Here is) the precious Mountain
15 (Here is) the Wish-granting Tree
16 (Here is) the Wish-granting Cow
17 and the spontaneously bountiful Harvest
18 (Here is) the precious Wheel
19 The precious Wish-granting Jewel
20 The precious Queen
21 The precious minister
22 The precious Elephant
23 The precious and excellent Horse
24 The precious General
25 and The Vessel of Great Treasure

26 (Here is) the Goddess of Beauty
27 The Goddess of Garlands
28 The Goddess of Song
29 The Goddess of Dance
30 The Goddess of Flowers
31 The Goddess of Incense
32 The Goddess of Light
33 and The Goddess of Scented Waters

34-35 (Here are) the Sun and Moon
36 The PRECIOUS Parasol, and
37 the Victory Banner which is completely triumphant in every direction

(Here is) all the wealth and endowments of gods and men,
with nothing whatsoever withheld this offering is made
To all the glorious root and lineage Gurus and assembly of yidams and
Mandalas, and to all of the gathering Buddha's and Bodhisattvas
to them we offer
please accept this out of your loving kindness for thr purpose of benefiting sentient beings
Having accepted it, please grant blessings
Anointing the foundation of the world with perfumed water, we decorate it with flowers and adorn it with Munt Megru, the four continets and sun and moon
Visuazing the pure realm of the Buddha, this offering is made
may allbeings be places in the perfectly Pure Realm



嗡 金刚地基阿吽
金刚大地自在基 清净如金
嗡 金刚护轮阿吽


1 妙高虚弥山王
2 东方东圣身洲
3 南方南瞻布洲
4 西方西牛贺洲
5 北方北具庐洲
6-7 近伴与东方东圣身洲者
8-9 近伴与南方南瞻部洲者为小佛洲及妙佛洲,
10-11 近伴与西方西贺洲者为小行洲及胜道洲
12-13 近伴与北方北具庐洲者为不悦洲及助悦不悦洲
14 众宝山
15 如意树
16 随欲宝牛
17 自然香稻
18 金轮宝
19 满愿宝
20 玉女宝
21 大臣宝
22 白象宝
23 骏马宝
24 将军宝
25 大藏宝瓶

26 欢喜女
27 环串女
28 歌女
29 舞女
30 花女
31 香女
32 灯明女
33 香女

34 日
35 月
36 珍宝伞
37 至极尊贵超胜之宝

于中诸天及人 所有富乐圆满具备 具德正士无上诸师及本尊坛城众 以及一切诸佛菩萨及轮圆圣护法空行诸眷属等对其虔诚供养



詹 咕噜 拉那 蔓达拉 普扎 美卡 萨姆扎 撒帕拉那 撒玛耶 啊吽

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