Everything you need to know about sleep
Alessandro de Concini - ADC Alessandro de Concini - ADC
212K subscribers

 Published On Premiered Mar 11, 2019

Passiamo circa un terzo delle nostre vite a dormire. In una vita di 90 anni, questo significa 30 anni di sonno. Non si può negare, quindi, che il sonno sia uno degli argomenti più importanti in assoluto. Un argomento ancora in gran parte misterioso, connesso allo studio, alla produttività, alla salute, alla cognizione, alla creatività...

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► Per imparare le tecniche di memoria, Mnemonica: https://www.alessandrodeconcini.com/t...
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► Studiare non è una cazzata: https://amzn.to/3KvEall

► Instagram:   / alessandrodeconcini_adc  
► Spotify: https://www.spoti.fi/3DzW0k2
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► “Cognitive consequences of sleep and sleep loss”. Matthew P.Walker. Sleep Medicine Volume 9, Supplement 1, September 2008, Pages S29-S34
► “Effects of spaced and repeated total sleep deprivation”. W. B. Webb and C. M. Levy. Ergonomics 27, no.1 (1984): 45-58
► “Obliviscence during sleep and waking”. J.G. Jenkins and K.M. Dallenbach. American Journal of Psychology 35 (1924): 605-12
► “Self imposed sleep loss, sleepiness, effort and performance”. M. Engle-Friedman and S. Riela. Sleep and Hypnosis 6, no. 4 (2004): 155-62
► “Sleep Health: Can we define it? Does it Matter?” D.J. Buysse. SLEEP 37, no.1 (2014): 9-17
► “Sleep loss, learning capacity and academic performance”. Giuseppe Curcio Michele Ferrara Luigi De Gennaro. Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 10, Issue 5, October 2006, Pages 323-337
► “Sleep to Remember”. Jan Born , Björn Rasch, Steffen Gais. The Neuroscientist Vol 12, Issue 5, 2006
► “Sleep-Dependent Learning and Memory Consolidation”. Matthew P.Walker, Robert Stickgold. Neuron Volume 44, Issue 1, 30 September 2004, Pages 121-133
► “Sleep-dependent memory processing”. Walker MP. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2008;16(5):287-98.
► “Sleep-wake cycle and memory consolidation”. Baratti CM, Boccia MM, Blake MG, Acosta GB. Vertex. 2007 Jul-Aug;18(74):300-4.
► “Sleeping brain, learning brain. The role of sleep for memory systems”. Peigneux P, Laureys S, Delbeuck X, Maquet P. Neuroreport. 2001 Dec 21;12(18): A111-24.
► “The effect of sleep loss on next day effort” M. Engle-Friedman, S. Riela, R. Golan et al. Journal of Sleep Research 12, no. 2 (2003): 113-24
► “The impact of sleep on adolescent depressed mood, alertness and academic performance”. Michelle A. Short, Michael Gradisara, Leon C. Lacka, Helen R. Wright. Journal of Adolescence, Volume 36, Issue 6, December 2013, Pages 1025-1033
► “The interaction between sleep quality and academic performance”. K. Ahrberga M. Dreslera S. Niedermaierb A. Steigera L. Genzela Journal of Psychiatric Research, Volume 46, Issue 12, December 2012, Pages 1618-1622
► “The role of sleep in learning and memory”. Maquet P. Science. 2001 Nov 2; 294(5544):1048-52.
► “To Study or to Sleep? The Academic Costs of Extra Studying at the Expense of Sleep”. Cari Gillen‐O’Neel, Virginia W. Huynh, Andrew J. Fuligni, Child Development Volume 84, Issue1 January/February 2013 Pages 133-142

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