Ascended Mastery - New Earth Light Transmission for Telepathy and Universal Harmonics Activation
CosmicIAM CosmicIAM
36 subscribers

 Published On Sep 7, 2024

Light language is the bridge to understanding the Light, Vibration, and frequencies at the foundation of everything.

Essentially this is the shift into the True You. For as Light expressed One does not need to speak our vibrations carry All the codes One needs.

Light language serves as a great way to move into the non verbal subtleties our Universe speaks. Which many have begun to recall. We refer to this as Universal Harmonics.

To understand the Language of Light, One recalls the Mastery of One portion of Universal Harmonics as the Light, Vibration and frequency at the foundation of everything.

However as One moves into the beyond, there are aspects of our Consciousness that no language can keep. It is Here One will Begin to recall thy True Mastery.

As these Aspects come in to Be embraced by thee, Here moments of silence is what will transpire across our Entirety. For in the stillness One recognizes the mind stream that speaks. As it too fades along with memory.

Here One is the Witnesser Now. As One senses words cannot summarize the expanded Love One now feels, many will choose silence.

This is a blessing and an honoring of the True Self whom doesn’t wish to Be limited.

Here in honoring the Self, in the silences the multidimensional senses Now have space to Be. These extraordinary senses and their Mastery teachings will begin to be witnessed and known with clarity.

This includes but is not limited to telepathy and telekinesis. For there are no limitations what Love can do.

Play in the silence.
Flow with Love. However One chooses to Be.
For All is Love, all expressions divinity.

Recall Now, majority of our Lifetimes do not commune verbally for when One is connected through the Heart Core, All is known instantly.

And so we send this out through Universal Harmonics across our Entirety as we reassure All Hearts it is safe to choose this way to Be. For Love blossoms when we honor our True Selves fully in an ever expanding moment of Me meeting Me.

This too will change, All language is beautiful and has its purpose. This is just part of thy Mastery. And my what an act of Love this is for our Entirety to allow and embrace these aspects that choose not to speak.

We Love thee.
We Love All.
We thank thee for Being.


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