Closer than ever album teaser
Dept 뎁트 Dept 뎁트
184K subscribers

 Published On Jul 26, 2024

The album 'Closer than ever' that I worked on with yuji will be released on July 30th.
When I first made the draft, the album title was 'waiting for love'.

Album 'Closer than ever' mà tôi đã làm việc cùng yuji sẽ được phát hành vào ngày 30 tháng 7.
Khi tôi lần đầu tiên thực hiện bản thảo, tiêu đề album là 'waiting for love'.

Album 'Closer than ever' yang saya garap bersama yuji akan dirilis pada tanggal 30 Juli.
Saat pertama kali membuat draft, judul albumnya adalah 'waiting for love'.

The album planning began based on the phrase I wrote below.
"I don't know much about love. "
'Have you ever been hurt by getting close to someone?
Have you ever been hurt by relying on someone?
Have you ever been disappointed by relying on someone?
Have you ever been saved by love?
"I thought it was love at the time,
But looking back, it wasn't love.
I need love."

It was quite interesting that the title of the song changed from Waiting for love to searching for love while working with yuji.
I thought that I had been living with the fixed idea that love was something I deserved to receive someday. The sound was gradually completed as the love views of yuji and Avokid were combined and TI and Neeve worked together to produce it beautifully.
It was an unfamiliar song at first because it had a different sound and tempo than usual, but as I gradually became immersed in the song, I became confident in this song.

Closer than ever track list

1. Searching for love
I thought that love in this day and age is like searching for love on the web.
There are many dating apps these days.
The essence of love remains the same, but the form in which it is contained seems to change as time passes.

2. Closer than ever
The person who is closer to you than anyone else, the person you have nothing to fear when you are with him or her. Do you have someone like that by your side?

유지와 함께 작업한 ‘closer than ever’앨범이 7월 30일에 발매될 예정입니다.
제가 처음 초안을 만들때는 앨범 제목이 ‘waiting for love’이었습니다.

아래 제가 써놓은 글귀를 바탕으로 앨범 기획이 시작 됐습니다.

“저는 사랑에 대해 잘 몰라요. “
‘당신도 누군가를 가까이해서 상처 받아본적 있나요
누군가에게 의지했다가 상처를 받아본 적 있나요
누군가에게 의지했다가 실망해본적 있나요
당신은 사랑으로 인해 구원을 받아본 적 있나요

“그땐 그게 사랑인줄 알았는데
돌이켜 보니 그건 사랑이 아니었어요.
저에게는 사랑이 필요해요”

유지님과 함께 작업하면서 곡의 제목이 Waiting for love 에서 searching for love로 바뀐 것은 꽤 흥미로웠습니다.
저는 사랑을 제가 언젠가 마땅히 받아야만 하는것이라는 고정관념을 가지고 살았던게 아닐까 하는 생각을 했어요.
유지님과 에이보키드님이 가진 사랑에 대한 시선이 합쳐지고 티아이, 니브님이 멋지게 프로듀싱에 함께 제작 해주시면서 사운드가 점차 완성되었습니다.
평소와는 좀 다른 사운드와 템포의 곡이라 처음에는 낯선 곡이었지만 점차 곡에 몰입하게 되면서 이 곡에 확신을 가지게 되었어요.

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