Save the Excuses
Carolyn Vance Carolyn Vance
154 subscribers

 Published On Oct 12, 2024

An AI song. Lyrics are 100% mine. I hope you enjoy it and your faith is in the Lord. His words are excuses for any. The air we breathe, the ground we walk and the Universe all around us, all testify of Him. No excuses will be accepted at His throne. Only faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for listening. Stay blessed!

Here is my poem:

Save the Excuses

A fallen world I live in
Oh, the lies I do hear
Some are so absurd
Like an ice pick in the ear

Oh, excuses a mile long
Trying to explain the deed
And their story changes
As more lies they do eat

That might work down here
With some naive souls
But it won't work up there
When they see the Lord

He died to save the soul
He is the Lamb of God
He is the only Savior
And He is a God of love

But He won't take lies
Excuses won't fly
He has warned us all
Oh, the sinful soul dies

Oh, go take a good look
At all that He's made
It's not by accident
He also made the grave

Oh, save your excuses!
He's only into truth
And He gave it to all
No! Your excuses won't do!

Oh, save your excuses!
Go and get right
Give up your sin
Get saved by Jesus Christ!

No! There will be no excuses!

C. Vance

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

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