2小時首楞嚴咒(統一梵文版)2-hour Sanskrit Shurangama Mantra (Original Chanter) for Meditation  대불정능엄신주 산스크리트 화
1Buddhism 普日門佛法開示 - 华语 1Buddhism 普日門佛法開示 - 华语
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 Published On Jun 24, 2021

大佛頂如来廣放光明聚現大白傘蓋遍覆三千界摩訶悉怛多缽怛囉金剛無礙大道塲最勝無比大威德  金輪帝祖囉施都攝一切大明王揔集不可說百千旋陀羅尼十方如來清淨海眼微妙秘密大陀羅尼  
(大佛頂首楞嚴咒全名) (統一梵文版)  
【唐 大興善寺三藏沙門大廣智不空奉 詔譯】  
【唐 上都大安國寺傳密教超悟大師賜紫三藏沙門 行琳 集】
公元2016年歳初 真言宗沙門釋宏博@弘博、釋延度及菩薩戒弟子果濱居士,共同校對還原古梵語現代羅馬拼音。
果濱 《唐密三大咒・梵語發音羅馬拼音課誦版》,萬卷樓,ISBN 978-957-739-925-0  
果濱 袖珍型《房山石經》版梵音【楞嚴咒】暨《金剛經》課誦,萬卷樓,ISBN 978-957-739-934-2 釋弘博阿闍梨恭誦
作曲:釋弘博 Music Composed by Venerable Hong Bok
普日門 1Buddhism:   / 1buddhism-322453851771490  
音乐提供:© & ℗ 觉声文化(北京)有限责任公司
Music by: Enlightening Sounds (Beijing) Pte. Ltd.
1. 此陀罗尼根据唐本《房山石经》之楞严咒,还原古梵音。此统一版能补足宋元代流通版《楞严咒》漏句之不足之处,且尊重玄奘大师五不翻里的秘密故不翻原则,还原古梵音。
2. 我们现代所用的汉语、普通话、华语,来源於清朝的北京官话,非唐代的中古汉语。 因此,当我们用现代汉语来读唐宋的汉字时,咒语的音调会偏离原译的梵音,乖离玄奘大师的五不翻原则故,而实施梵音还原工作。
3. 所还原的梵音,以现代罗马字拼音。由于《房山石经》里面的梵汉二字,有时前后没有标准故,为了尊重石经的原刻文献,偶尔所还原的罗马字梵文,没有根据现代的梵文文法及拼音规则,敬请谅解。
4. 再者,为了往后念诵不漏句,根据其他藏经里面的翻译习惯,把 o 连音拆开为 a u。念快时,还是会有连音效果,不成大碍。
*Standardized Version of Śūraṅgama Dhāraṇī  
*Extracted from Jun-zi-zhi, Stone Scriptures of Fangshan, inscribed during Liao Dynasty Da-an 10th year. 
*Translated under the imperial decree by His Holiness Amogha Vajra, Royal-titled Daiguangzhi, Tripitaka Master of the Royal Religious Bureau of Daxingshansi, T’ang Dynasty
*Compiled by His Holiness Xinglin, Royal-titled Purple-robed, Surpass Enlightenment Tripitaka Master in Propagating Esoteric Buddhism of the Royal Religious Bureau of the Great An-guo-si, Capital City of the Great T’ang, T’ang Dynasty
*Reconstructed to ancient Sanskrit pronunciation with romanised Sanskrit – a joint project by Venerable Ᾱcārya Hong Bok, Venerable Shi Yan Du and Bodhisattva-preceptee Upāsaka Guo Bin, in early 2016.
*Guo Bin, “The Three Great Mantras in T’ang Dynasty – Romanised Sanskrit Chanting Manual”, Wanjuanlou ISBN 978-957-739-925-0.  
*Guo Bin, “Precious Gripped Fangshanshijing version of Sanskrit Shurangama Mantra & Diamond Sutra Chanting Manual”, Wanjuanlou ISBN 978-957-739-934-2.
Chanted by Venerable Ᾱcārya Hong Bok
Music Composed by Venerable Hong Bok
1Buddhism:   / 1buddhism-32.  .
Music by: Enlightening Sounds (Beijing) Pte. Ltd.

Shurangama Mantra in Sanskrit (Original Chanter)
About this Stone Sutra:
1. Stathāgata-uṣṅiṣaṃ Sitātapatraṃ Aparājitaṃ Pratyaṅgiraṃ Dhāraṇī This latest standardized edition of the Dharani was taken from the Stone Scriptures of Fangshan, and reconstructed to its original ancient Sanskrit pronunciation using romanised Sanskrit. Esoteric terms (like those used in mantras) are not translatable. Instead, they are transliterated to preserve the sound of their original language. In ancient China, dhāraṇī-s were transliterated from Sanskrit based on the Chinese spoken at the time, i.e. during the Tang and Song periods. When these dhāraṇī-s are read using modern-day spoken Mandarin (Putong hua), the sound produced is different from the original intended sound due to the fact that modern-day spoken Mandarin is derived from the Northern Chinese dialect spoken in the imperial courts of the Qing Dynasty and not from ancient Chinese of the Tang and Song periods. The outcome would have been inconsistent with the objective of transliteration and is not in accord with Great Master Xuan Zhuang’s guidelines on translation.
2. By reconstructing the text with romanized Sanskrit, we have restored the sounds of the mantra back to its original Sanskrit pronunciation without compromising on Great Master Xuan Zhuang’s guideline of not translating esoteric terms.
3. In addition, in order to prevent missing phonetic effects during chanting, the “o” sound has been split into the original form “a-u” before Sandhi contraction to be consistent with the translation practice adopted for other sutras. This is done so because when “a-u” are chanted at a fast speed, the effect of Sandhi-ed “o” could still be sounded as desired. Hence, splitting “o” to “a-u” was in accordance with other Sutra texts which should not pose aby technical problem in the Sanskrit pronunciation.
4. There are instances where the Sanskrit-chinese pairings in the Fangshan stone inscription were not standardized, in which cases, the reconstruction using romanised Sanskrit could not fully comply with today’s Sanskrit grammar and phonetic rules. We seek your forbearance on this. This standardized edition has also eliminated omissions found in earlier versions circulated since the Song & Yuan Dynasties.

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