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 Published On Sep 22, 2023

Zborov je zrúcanina hradu v obci Zborov v okrese Bardejov. Najstaršie zmienky o hrade pochádzajú zo začiatku 14. storočia. V rokoch 1364 – 1470 bol majetkom Cudarovcov, po ich vymretí daroval kráľ Matej panstvo Rozgonyiovcom, ktorí tu sídlili do roku 1512.
Hrad Zborov je pomerne veľký. Hoci stáročia chátral, má množstvo zachovaných múrov, brány, pivnice, osem bášt, hospodárske budovy a palácovú časť. Dochoval sa dolný, stredný a horný hrad s vežou. Turista sa môže prechádzať po priestoroch aj dve hodiny. Dolná brána, Stará brána, Stredná brána, Horná brána. V hrade bola v stredoveku pekáreň, kováčska bašta, obytná a hospodárske budovy, vinná pivnica a octový dom, obytný dom. Pri severnej bašte sa nachádzala koniareň. Pri hornej bráne – kuchynská bašta, bránka, studňa, domček delostrelectva, sýpka. Pri tmavej bašte – dolný palác, cisterna, rohový dom, horný palác, donžón. Pri kováčskej bašte – cisterna, pracháreň. Nebojsa bašta sa nachádza vpravo od prebrania teda vstupu do hradu. Čo sa týka bášt tak sú 7 a detailne ich uvidíte na obrázku vo fotogalérii v tomto dokumente o hrade Zborov.

Dokument z hradu je v 4K.
Zborov is a ruined castle in the village of Zborov in the district of Bardejov. The oldest mentions of the castle come from the beginning of the 14th century. In the years 1364-1470 it was the property of the Cudar family, after their death, King Matej donated the estate to the Rozgonyi family, who lived here until 1512. Zborov Castle is relatively large. Although it fell into disrepair over the centuries, it has many preserved walls, gates, cellars, eight bastions, farm buildings and a palace part. The lower, middle and upper castle with a tower have been preserved. A tourist can walk around the premises for two hours. Lower Gate, Old Gate, Middle Gate, Upper Gate. In the Middle Ages, the castle had a bakery, a blacksmith's bastion, residential and farm buildings, a wine cellar and a vinegar house, a residential house. There was a stable near the northern bastion. Near the upper gate – kitchen bastion, gate, well, artillery house, granary. Near the dark bastion – lower palace, cistern, corner house, upper palace, keep. Near the blacksmith's bastion - cistern, powder room. The Nebojsa bastion is located to the right of the entrance to the castle. As for the bastions, there are 7 of them and you can see them in detail in the picture in the photo gallery in this document about Zborov Castle.

The documentary from the castle is in 4K.

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