KTLA 5 Weekend Morning News : Remembering Chris Burrous (First 15 Minutes) 12/29/18
Southern California Media Archive Southern California Media Archive
983 subscribers

 Published On Dec 29, 2018

Too Soon and No words.....

Chris Burrous has passed away on December 27, 2018, 2 days after Christmas and 4 days till the Rose Parade coverage. He was on the same day before his death.

This is the first day the morning team without Burrous, his team was very morning throughout the morning.

I really miss him so much. It was watchable on the weekends especially the weekdays. Every week I don't know he's gonna do next?

Rest in Peace Chris.

UPDATE 1/4/19: I've made an error that it was 12 minutes instead of 15 minutes. As a result, I made some minor tweaks on the title.

UPDATE: 12/10/19: Comments are now disabled indefinitely because most think he has a double life or he has betrayed his family and his employer.

I only recorded the 6am hour and No, I don't have the end of the newscast which was super emotional.

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