The Money-Making Strategy of P.T. Barnum
Michael Damone Michael Damone
399 subscribers

 Published On May 21, 2024

The Art of Money Getting by PT Barnum

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1. **Choosing the Right Vocation**: Barnum advises readers to select a career that aligns with their talents and passions. He emphasizes that success is more likely when one enjoys their work and has a natural aptitude for it.

2. **Perseverance is Necessary for Success**: Highlighting the importance of determination, Barnum argues that persistence in the face of obstacles is crucial for achieving financial goals. He illustrates this with examples from his own life.

3. **Whatever You Do, Do It with All Your Might**: Barnum encourages giving one's best effort in every endeavor. He believes that wholehearted dedication and effort are essential components of success.

4. **Depend Upon Your Own Personal Exertions**: Self-reliance is key, according to Barnum. He stresses the importance of personal effort and hard work over relying on others for success.

5. **Use the Best Tools**: Barnum suggests investing in quality tools and resources necessary for one's trade or business, as they can significantly impact productivity and success.

6. **Don't Get Above Your Business**: Maintaining humility and a strong work ethic, regardless of one's position or achievements, is crucial. Barnum advises against looking down on any kind of honest work.

7. **Learn Something Useful**: Continuous learning and acquiring useful knowledge can provide a competitive edge and open up new opportunities for financial success.

8. **Let Hope Predominate, but Be Not Too Visionary**: While optimism is important, Barnum warns against unrealistic dreams and advises balancing hope with practical planning and action.

9. **Do Not Scatter Your Powers**: Focusing on one or a few endeavors rather than spreading oneself too thin can lead to better results. Specialization and concentrated effort are more likely to yield success.

10. **Be Systematic**: Organization and efficiency in one's work habits can greatly enhance productivity and effectiveness. Barnum advocates for systematic approaches to business and finance.

11. **Read the Newspapers**: Staying informed about current events and market trends can provide valuable insights and opportunities. Barnum highlights the importance of being well-informed.

12. **Beware of "Outside Operations"**: He cautions against speculative investments and ventures outside one's area of expertise, which can lead to financial losses.

13. **Don't Endorse Without Security**: Barnum warns against endorsing loans or financial obligations for others without adequate security, as this can jeopardize one's own financial stability.

14. **Advertise Your Business**: Effective advertising and self-promotion are essential for attracting customers and growing a business. Barnum shares tips on how to advertise successfully.

15. **Read the Other Side**: In business negotiations, understanding and considering the perspective of the other party is crucial. Barnum advises against being overly focused on one's own viewpoint.

16. **Be Polite and Kind to Your Customers**: Good customer service and treating clients with respect and kindness can build loyalty and enhance business reputation.

17. **Be Charitable**: Barnum advocates for philanthropy and giving back to the community. He believes that being charitable can bring personal satisfaction and positive social impact.

18. **Don't Blab**: Keeping business plans and financial matters confidential is important to protect one's interests and avoid unnecessary risks.

19. **Preserve Your Integrity**: Maintaining honesty and integrity in all dealings is essential for long-term success. Barnum underscores the value of a good reputation.

20. **Hope for the Best, and Provide for the Worst**: Planning for potential setbacks and having contingency plans can safeguard against unforeseen difficulties.

By adhering to these principles, Barnum believes anyone can improve their financial standing and achieve prosperity. His guidance, though rooted in the 19th century, continues to offer valuable lessons for modern readers.

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