開啟內心的靜音模式:般若波羅密多心經 (漢) The Heart Sutra (Chinese ed.)
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 Published On Premiered Jun 21, 2024

Guan zi zai pu sa . Xing shen ban ruo bo luo mi duo shi .
觀自在菩薩 。行深般若波羅蜜多時 。

Zhao jian wu yun jie kong . Du yi qie ku e .
照見五蘊皆空 。度一切苦厄 。

She li zi . Se bu yi kong . Kong bu yi se .
舍利子 。色不異空 。空不異色 。

Se ji shi kong . Kong ji shi se . Shou xiang xing shi . Yi fu ru shi .
色即是空 。空即是色 。受想行識 。亦復如是 。

She li zi . Shi zhu fa kong xiang . Bu sheng bu mie . Bu gou bu jing . Bu zeng bu jian .
舍利子 。是諸法空相 。不生不滅 。不垢不淨 。不增不減 。

Shi gu kong zhong wu se . Wu shou xiang xing shi .
是故空中無色 。無受想行識 。

Wu yan er bi she shen yi . Wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa .
無眼耳鼻舌身意 。無色聲香味觸法 。

Wu yan jie . Nai zhi wu yi shi jie . Wu wu ming . Yi wu wu ming jin .
無眼界 。乃至無意識界 。無無明 。亦無無明盡 。

Nai zhi wu lao si . Yi wu lao si jin . Wu ku ji mie dao .
乃至無老死 。亦無老死盡 。無苦集滅道 。

Wu zhi yi wu de . Yi wu suo de gu .
無智亦無得 。以無所得故 。

Pu ti sa po he . Yi ban ruo bo luo mi duo gu . Xin wu gua ai . Wu gua ai gu .
菩提薩埵 。依般若波羅蜜多故 。心無罣礙 。無罣礙故 。

Wu you kong bu . Yuan li dian dao meng xiang .
無有恐怖 。遠離顛倒夢想 。

Jiu jing nie pan . San shi zhu fo . Yi ban ruo bo luo mi duo gu .
究竟涅槃 。三世諸佛 。依般若波羅蜜多故 。

De a nou duo luo san miao san pu ti . Gu zhi ban ruo bo luo mi duo .
得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 。故知般若波羅蜜多 。

Shi da shen zhou . Shi da ming zhou . Shi wu shang zhou . Shi wu deng deng zhou .
是大神咒 。是大明咒 。是無上咒 。是無等等咒 。

Neng chu yi qie ku . Zhen shi bu xu . Gu shuo ban ruo bo luo mi duo zhou .
能除一切苦 。真實不虛 。故說般若波羅蜜多咒 。

Ji shuo zhou yue . Jie di jie di . bo luo jie di . bo luo seng jie di . pu ti sa po he .
即說咒曰 。揭諦揭諦 。波羅揭諦 。波羅僧揭諦 。菩提薩婆訶 。







The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra," commonly known as "The Heart Sutra," is a shining gem among Buddhist scriptures. Despite being only 260 characters long, it is rich in content and profound in meaning, often regarded as the essence of Buddhist teachings.
This brief text acts like a super-concentrator, distilling the knowledge of the 600 volumes of the "Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra" into a concise form. Moreover, it clarifies some of the more obscure Buddhist terms, such as the "Five Aggregates," "Six Senses," "Six Contact Points," "Twelve Bases," and "Eighteen Elements," making it almost like a dictionary.
Just by reading the Heart Sutra, you can absorb various nutrients of the Buddhist way of life, much like taking a bite of a mixed fruit and oatmeal bar. Though it may seem short, the Heart Sutra contains deeply thought-provoking content. It teaches us the five-star secret of Buddhism—"Prajna"—which is the wisdom to see through everything, understanding that nothing is fixed or permanent. By grasping this, you can live as freely and effortlessly as Avalokiteshvara.
The emergence of the Heart Sutra has created a wave in the Buddhist world, allowing countless people to feel its kindness and warmth. However, the most beloved part of the sutra is undoubtedly the mantra at the end, which acts like a huge Easter egg that everyone can't help but chant along: "Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha," which means "Go, go, go beyond, go altogether beyond, establish enlightenment."
The Heart Sutra once again proves that size doesn't matter; what counts is the attitude. It holds a significant place not only in Buddhism but also in literature and philosophy, sparking widespread interest. It acts like a beam of light, guiding those who seek inner peace and wisdom to find their path.

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