"Battle for Kyiv means up to 100 000 killed and wounded": who defends Ukrainian capital from East?
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 Published On Mar 12, 2022

UNSO fighters, who have been at war with the Russian army since the 1990s and went through the Chechnya war, are now defending the left bank of Kyiv from the Russians. Yuri Tima, who coined the slogan "Glory of the Nation - Death to Enemies" in 1991, and Igor "Poplar" Mazur, a veteran of the second Chechen Russian-Ukrainian wars in Donbas. They were joined by a platoon of anti-corruption prosecutors who have taken cases against high-ranking Ukrainian officials to safe places and gone to war. Most of them - for the first time. Only their commander, co-head of the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office Maksym Hryshchuk with the call sign "Prosecutor," has military

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Journalists and editors hromadske continue to work in each region of the war disrupted country. They continue to work from improvised offices, shelters, and bunkers. We do so because our weapon now is the truth.
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#громадськеexperience. He was one of the defenders of Donetsk Sergei Prokofiev International Airport in 2014-2015. Later these defenders were nicknamed 'cyborgs' for their staunch resistance against an overwhelming number of attacking pro-Russian troops. At the positions, we meet the member of the Latvian Seimas Juris Juraš. He came to fight for Ukraine during his vacation. Also, we met a renowned musician, kobzar, and the People's Artist of Ukraine, Taras Kompanichenko - of course, with a musical instrument.

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