(字幕)「このチャンネルと私のヒロセ車について」1/3 / "About this channel and my Hirose bicycles." 1/3
廣瀬秀敬自転車資料館Hirose’s Bicycle Museum 廣瀬秀敬自転車資料館Hirose’s Bicycle Museum
5.07K subscribers

 Published On Oct 16, 2020


This YouTube channel started as a response to Hirose-san's request. I do the whole process by myself, from filming, music composition, editing and subtitling. The process that has led to this channel today is inseparable from my own custom-made bicycle orders at Hirose.

So, in this three-part series, I'd like to share with you the origins of this channel and its future plans in relation to my order history at Hirose.

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***** このチャンネルについて/About this channel *****

「廣瀬秀敬自転車資料館」とは、インターネット上にのみ存在する架空の資料館です。 サイクリングを楽しむ人の為に、オーダーメイドの自転車を作り続けた自転車ビルダー、(故)廣瀬秀敬さんの自転車理論、技法、オリジナルの道具、オーダーメイド車、哲学、歴史等をご紹介しています。
"Hirose’s Bicycle Museum" is a fictional museum that exists only on the Internet. Introducing Hidetaka Hirose's bicycle theory, techniques, original tools, custom-made bicycles, history, etc. Mr.Hirose was a bicycle builder who kept making custom-made bicycles for half century. He is a craftsman who has explored the theory of bicycle production by himself and has excellent original tools and theories. He continued to build bicycles until the end, and he sadly passed away in August of 2020.

このチャンネルは、廣瀬さんからの希望を受けて始まり、ヒロセ車のオーナーでもある私、Tatsuro Inagakiが一人きりで取材、製作、更新しています。あくまで個人が自費で取材した事柄を自発的に発信しているチャンネルであり、お店が広報目的で製作しているわけではありません。現在の店舗はこのチャンネルに一切関与していませんし、これまでも宣伝費や製作費などは頂いておりません。再生回数による収入が全てです。

This channel was started at the request of Mr.Hirose, and I, Tatsuro Inagaki, who is also the owner of Hirose's bicycles, has been reporting, producing and updating this channel alone. It is a voluntary channel that publishes matters covered by individuals at their own expense and is not produced by the store for publicity purposes. The store is not involved in this channel, and I do not receive any publicity or production fees. All I get is income from views. And I'm not involved in the current store either.
So, if you have any questions or messages for the actual store, please contact the store directly.

Mr. Hirose enjoyed watching the videos on this channel and watched them repeatedly until the time of his death. If you think this channel is worthwhile, please subscribe and let your fellow cyclists know about it.

一台一台、オーナーの希望に寄り添い、様々な工夫をこらして作られる多種多彩なオーダーメイド車やオリジナルの道具の静止画、写真を整理したHP「廣瀬秀敬自転車資料館 写真展示室」は下記のURLから。

Photo Gallery. The HP address where the still images were organized is as follows. There are a wide variety of custom-made bicycles and original tools that can be made with various ideas to meet the owner's wishes.

  / tatsuroinagaki  

Video updates and notifications are also posted on the producer's personal Twitter.
  / tatsuroinagaki  


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