Day 14 of 40 Days of Prayer for US (United States)
Diane Johnson Diane Johnson
31 subscribers

 Published On Oct 11, 2024

Eight years after World War II, the following words were given by President Ezra Taft Benson. He had been serving as Director of the Department of Agriculture and later became President and Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He is a man who loved and served our Country.
Quote: To me it is a great honor and a privilege to serve the government of the United States of America. Our problems are numerous, complex, and difficult. The responsibility is heavy but I have felt the power of the faith and prayers of the Saints and Christian people generally throughout this nation, who believe in many of those eternal principles that are embodied in the gospel, the principles for which we stand as a people.
I am grateful that I have been able to get those closely associated with me who love America, who believe that the Constitution of this land embodies eternal principles. They are those of faith, those who are willing to join with me weekly in prayer in our staff meetings, those who love our free institutions, those who want to keep America strong, those who are willing to sacrifice financially in order to serve the government of the United States, this blessed land in which we live.
. .
Fill US with new faith, new strength, and new courage, that we may win the battle for peace.
Be swift to save US, dear God, before the darkness falls.
Now, my brethren and sisters, a written prayer is not enough. A spoken prayer is not enough. If we are going to realize the hope that is in the hearts of all of US, then as American citizens, as people of faith, we must live worthy of the blessings for which we pray.
In closing, I would like to appeal to each of US, and all within the range of my voice today, that we seek to promote a spirit of humility throughout this great land, that we pray for the President of the United States. He is our President. He needs our faith and prayers. The office he holds has my confidence, as do those associated with him in the cabinet.
As we bow our heads in prayer in cabinet meeting each Friday morning, I thank God that we still have in America those of faith who are not too proud to bow before the Almighty and seek His inspiration. We may not agree with all of the President's policies, and I hope if we do not, we will express ourselves vigorously and freely, either policies advocated or policies adopted. I hope the issues will be debated freely from one end of the land to the other because therein is safety. There is always safety in an informed public.
But let US pray that the chief executive will make no serious mistakes. Let US pray for the Congress of the United States. They are made up mostly of good people, fine public servants, who want to do what is right. They also want to please their constituents, and I hope you will be wise in what you ask of them. Don't ask them for anything that is unsound. Don't put your own selfish, narrow desires ahead of the public welfare. Give our legislators your faith and your prayers.
Pray also for the great judicial branch of the government—those who have been called and given the great responsibility of interpreting the laws of the land. May they have the power and influence of the Spirit of Heaven that as they interpret those laws, they may do so in keeping with the spirit of the Constitution in a manner pleasing to our Heavenly Father.
God bless US, my brethren and sisters, . . . that we may wield our influence to the very maximum in promoting peace, in promoting spirituality among the people of this great nation, that this great country of which we are a part, may be preserved, and may continue to be, through all the days to come, a beacon and an inspiration to liberty-loving people everywhere. God grant His blessings to this people and upon this great land, I humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson
Then of the Council of the Twelve Apostles
Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, April 1953, pp. 39-42

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