i love you. || kurofai
crayolasaurus crayolasaurus
1.9K subscribers

 Published On Sep 26, 2020

Surprise, bitch! I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me!

And by "me" I mean "me making mmvs" or "me using the same font for the lyrics in every video" or, most importantly, "me editing Kurofai". But guess who decided to have a 2020-fueled reread of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle 10 years late and fell off the deep end aaallllll over again for these two?

(Me. It was me.) (but you should do it too. Please. DO IT. JOIN ME)

When I was younger I kind of fixated so much on the Kurofai aspect of TRC that I let it cloud my understanding of the story as a whole. But now that I've let myself see the story as a whole more clearly, as an adult with actual reading comprehension skills? Kurofai is even B E T T E R now. It's so obvious and undeniable how irreplaceable they are to each other's stories and character growth, and how important they are to each other. I love Sakura and Syaoran and everyone else too, so much, but GOD there's just something special about Kurogane and Fai. I JUST. I love them I will always love them.

I really wanted to show here the side of Fai that's scared of letting people love him and scared of letting himself love others, and how much Kurogane just. DOESN'T CARE and will make it his MISSION to make Fai safe and protected and loved if it's the last thing he does (which, btw, was another thing I picked up on more this time around - Kurogane being the epitome of the "Secretly Soft And Loving Brute" type and how much I LOVE HIM as a character. He loves his family so much goddammit and he will do WHATEVER it takes to keep them together, the idiots). But I think I secretly really relate to Fai in like, weird roundabout not-exact ways, so like. Here you go.

Also, side note: I haven't made an MMV in literally YEARS. I think I realized this time around just how much masking is involved, and, oh my GOD. I would not have been working on this for over a MONTH now if not for the MASKING. I never ever used to have the patience for it as a baby editor and now this is why I upload maybe twice a year instead of twice a week. That said, I am soooo proud of this video and a couple of my proudest editing moments of the last few years are in here. I think I have really honed in on what my editing style is and I'm really proud of what I am able to do, even if it's not quite the same as what others can do. I love editing wow


Did you know? Almost the entirety of Billie Eilish's discography fits these two. I am not joking. Throw a dart at a list of her songs and you will almost definitely hit a song that is practically A B O U T kurofai. It's really wild and I love her for that (even if she has taken over at least half of my kurofai playlist. it's fine).

Another fun fact; in the description of my last ZK video (which has now been taken down TWICE but is up on my tumblr now if you were wondering where that went) I said that I would be using that song again (peace by tswift) to "another throwback classic ship that I haven’t edited for in YEARS". Welp. I was talking about these two. But instead of using that song (which also fits them like a GLOVE, HELLO), I have started and/or thought about at least 10 different videos for Kurofai. So uhhhh. Oops

A fun little story is that I actually was really close to finishing a different KF MMV to a different Billie Eilish song that's a little more angry-angsty than sad-angsty, but then I decided to start this video as a side project to decompress from the angst... and then I accidentally ended up finishing THIS one first even though I was only really planning to edit the end part of it just for myself. Again, OOPS. LMAO

I also was planning on using this song for a Kyoru edit once Fruits Basket ends. But uhhh well I used it here. WHO KNOWS, that might still happen. I am no stranger to reusing songs, I have no shame anymore.

(My youtube video descriptions really express how all over the place my mind is these days huh)

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