Gaelic Psalm singing in Cross Free Church of Scotland - Psalm 87
Don Aldmor Rison Don Aldmor Rison
317 subscribers

 Published On Jan 17, 2017

Rev Jack Morrison precenting in Cross Free Church of Scotland at the Centenary Service for the building held in August 1992.

Salm 87

3. Nithean ro‑ghlòrmhor innsear ort,
a chathair àlainn Dhè.
4 Rahab is Bàbel cuimhnicheam
don dream don aithne mi;

Gabh beachd air Tìrus mar an ceudn',
is dùthaich Phalestin,
Maille ri Etiopia:
am fear seo rugadh 'n sin.

5 Mu thimcheall Shioin theirear seo,
Am fear seo rugadh fòs,
'S am fear ud innt'; an Tì as àird
socraichidh i air chòir.

6 Tràth sgrìobhas Dia le cuimhne mhaith
na fineachan fa leth,
'N sin àirmhidh e gum b'ann an siud
bha 'm fear seo air a bhreith.


3 Things glorious are said of thee,
thou city of the Lord.
4 Rahab and Babel I, to those
that know me, will record:

Behold ev'n Tyrus, and with it
the land of Palestine,
And likewise Ethiopia;
this man was born therein.

5 And it of Sion shall be said,
This man and that man there
Was born; and he that is most High
himself shall stablish her.

6 When God the people writes, he'll count
that this man born was there.
7 There be that sing and play; and all
my well-springs in thee are.

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