The Secret Behind Numbers 369 Tesla Code Is Finally REVEALED!
Jake Ducey Jake Ducey
897K subscribers

 Published On Sep 16, 2024

The Secret Behind Numbers 369 Tesla Code Is Finally REVEALED!

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the secret behind numbers 369 with Nicola Tesla's codes to the universe are not only going to be Finally Revealed but I'm going to break down exactly why this is the secret to the universe that you can use to get anything that you want in life.

Nikola Tesla quotes: "the secrets of the universe are in energy frequency and vibration." three things and he said if you only knew the power of the 369 you would have a code to the entire universe and it's like okay well what does that mean well from my research Three 6 and N are what basically are the bridge between the immaterial and the material through the quantum field and the visible world of matter it all kind of goes back to this thing called Vortex math we're not going to go super far into it but there's a physicist named Marco Roden and he breaks down how 3 6 and9 are the vector numbers that bring energy from an invisible wave state into a physical particle state

so it just kind of looks a little bit like this so you've got the 3 6 and 9 and then you have a physical particle matter 3 6 and 9 become material energy in quantum physics we know about the observer effect right in the observer effect a particle can sometimes disappear and become a wave so when you're looking it becomes a particle and when you're not looking looking this way whatever not looking it is a wave particle meaning it is localized in space and time it is here in this space in time reality wave meaning it was a particle and now it's not a particle where did it go now it's a wave of energy that is back in the quantum field or fluxing between Third Dimension and The Ether or the quantum field it is nonlocalized it is not here in space and time so it is called the observer effect because the act of seeing creates the particle and the of not turns it into an invisible wave

so it's the wave particle duality because it can be a particle War can be a wave so if we bring this back to Tesla 3 six and9 in the quantum field invisible Quantum field energy those are the numbers that bring something into Material World by way of becoming a part of and there's three main things out of this that cause us to be able to move energy from being immaterial to material like think about how crazy this is the act of observing literally creates particles the smallest building blocks of all of this stuff disappears and reappears based off of the observation of it energy frequency and VI vibration right these are the three things that he discussed energy frequency and vibration now what creates a particle and brings it into life via quantum physics and the observer effect the observation

the Consciousness the consciousness of it existing well if we were to describe Consciousness how would we describe it energy frequency and vibration energy frequency and vibration so if you want to successfully use Nicola Tesla's 369 what you're really doing is the process of the observer effect taking things from the energy realm into the material realm or from The Unseen and you are making them seen or going froms E = mc 2 energy and mass times the speed of light energy equals mass or matter time the speed of light that these things are one and the same that the material world is one and the same with energy which means that this energy free frequency and vibration creates particles creates the material world and brings it into form which means everything that you want already exists.

Let's tie the whole thing together now if we think about this whole thing like this and we take a final step back on how do we actually apply this and bring this back into our life and into reality then what we understand is that everything already exists because energy never created or destroyed I spelled destroyed wrong energy can never be created or destroyed science tells us that right so if energy can never be created or destroyed then that means that everything you cannot see with your five senses it's not that it isn't real it actually already exists because energy is never created or destroyed energy can only be transferred energy can only be transferred in new States because energy can never be created or destroyed it can only be transferred into new states which is the entire principle of the observer effect.

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