Mbok Midut Mbok Midut
881K subscribers

 Published On Apr 28, 2023

set menu hari 1
*perkedel jagung manado
*tumis pokcoy

3 bh jagung manis (3 ears of corn)
3 bt daun bawang (3 stalks of scallion)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
1 btr telur (an egg)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1/2 sdt MSG (1/2 tsp of MSG)
1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk (1/2 tsp of stock powder)
100 CC air (4 oz of water)
6 sdm tepung tapioka (6 tbsp of tapioca flour)
6 sdm tepung beras (6 tbsp of rice flour)

#sambel (green sambal)
25 rawit hijau (25 pods of green Thai chili)
6 siung bawang merah (6 bulbs of shallot)
1 /2 sdt garam (1/2 tsp of salt)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)
1 bh jeruk limau (a keffir lime)

#tumis (sauteed pokcoy)
500 gr pokcoy (1 lb of pokcoy)
3 siung bawang putih (3 cloves of garlic)
200 CC air (a cup of water)
1 sdm saos tiram (1 tbsp of oyster sauce)
1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk (1/2 tsp of stock powder)

set menu hari 2
*telur dadar
*terong goreng

5 btr telur
1 bt daun bawang
4 bh cabai merah
1/4 sdt garam
1/4 sdt lada bubuk

2 bh terong ungu
2 bh cabai hijau
5 siung bawang merah
100 gr cabai
1 sdt garam
1/4 sdt MSG

set menu hari 3
*sambel tempe
*tumis kangkung
* ikan asin


#sambeltempe (tempeh in sambel)
200 gr tempe (1/2 lb of tempeh)
9 bh cabai rawit merah (9 pods of Thai chili)
1 siung bawang putih (a clove of garlic)
5 siung bawang merah (5 bulbs of shallot)
1 ibu jari kencur (a dice of aromatic ginger)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)

#tumiskangkung (sauteed spinach)
2 ikat kangkung (2 handfuls of water spinach)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
300 CC air (a cup of water)
1/2 sdt garam (1/2 tsp of salt)
1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk (1/2 tsp of stock powder)

5 ekor ikan asin sepat (5 salted gouramies)
1 papan petai (a pod of stinky beans)

set menu hari 4
*sayur asem
*sambel mentah khas lampung
*tempe/ikan asin goreng


#sayurasem (sundanese tomyum)
1 kg sayuran asem campur (2 lbs of mixed vegetables)
1500 CC air (7 cups of water)
3 lbr daun salam (3 Indonesian bayleaves)
3 ibu jari lengkuas (2 tbsp of galangal)
3 ibu jari asam (2 tbsp of tamarind)
3 sdt trasi (3 tsp of shrimp paste)
5 bh cabai iris (5 pods of chili)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
2 bks bumbu racik sayur asem (2 packs of instant ingredients for sundanese tomyum)

#tempe (fried tempeh)
500 gr tempe (1 lb of tempeh)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)
1 sdm ketumbar bubuk (1 tbsp of coriander powder)
200 CC air (a cup of water)
4 sdm tepung beras (4 tbsp of rice flour)

#ikanasin (fried salted mackerel)
250 gr ikan asin cuek (1/2 lb of salted mackerel)
3 sdm tepung beras (3 tbsp of rice flour)

100 gr rawit hijau (4 oz of green Thai chili)
1/2 sdt garam (1/2 tsp of salt)
1 sdt trasi bakar (1 tsp of roasted shrimp paste)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)
1 sdt gula (1 tsp of sugar)
3 bh tomat merah (3 red tomatoes)
3 bh terong bakar (3 grilled eggplants)
5 sdm kuah sayur asam (5 tbsp of tomyum water)
1 bh jeruk limau (a keffir lime)

set menu hari 5

*lele goreng kremes


#lelegoreng (fried catfish)
1 kg lele (2 lbs of catfish)
2 sdt garam (2 tsp of salt)
1 sdm ketumbar bubuk (1 tbsp of coriander powder)
1 bh jeruk nipis (a lime)

#kremesan (flour crackers)
5 sdm tepung terigu (5 tbsp of flour)
500 CC air (2 cups of water)
1/2 sdt garam (1/2 tsp of salt)
1 btr telur (an egg)
1 sdm ketumbar bubuk (1 tbsp of coriander powder)

100 gr cabai rawit (4 oz of Thai chili)
3 siung bawang putih (3 cloves of garlic)
3 siung bawang merah (3 bulbs of shallot)
1 sdm bawang merah goreng (1 tbsp of fried shallot)
200 gr tomat merah (8 oz of red tomato)
2 sdt trasi (2 tsp of shrimp paste)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)
1/2 ibu jari gula merah (1 tsp of palm sugar)

set menu hari 6
*ikan bakar
*sambel kecap
*tempe goreng


#ikanbakar (grilled pomfret)
1 kg ikan bawal (2 lbs of pomfret)
2 sdt garam (2 tsp of salt)
1 bh jeruk nipis/lemon (a lime or lemon)

3 siung bawang putih goreng
7 bh cabai rawit
5 sdm kecap manis
1 bh jeruk limau
3 siung bawang merah iris

2 ikat kangkung
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
5 siung bawang merah (5 bulbs of shallot)
300 CC air (a cup of water)
2 sdt kaldu bubuk

5 sdm tepung beras
1 sdt garam
1 sdm ketumbar bubuk
300 CC air
1/2 sdt lada bubuk

set menu hari 7
*sayur bayam
*bakwan jagung

250 gr cabai campur
3 siung bawang putih
100 gr bawang merah goreng
100 ml minyak
2 sdt garam
1/4 sdt MSG

2 bh jagung
2 bt daun bawang
3 siung bawang putih
6 sdm tepung terigu
1/2 sdt garam
1 sdt kaldu bubuk

1 ikat bayam
3 siung bawang putih
3 bh cabai merah
300 CC air
2 sdt kaldu bubuk
1/2 sdt lada bubuk
2 sdm bawang merah goreng
7 btr telur puyuh

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