1852 लंदन में छपा Article क्या कहता है | अंग्रेज क्या सोचते थे पासी महाबलियों के बारे में ?
The Pasi Landlord's The Pasi Landlord's
87.6K subscribers

 Published On Premiered May 24, 2020

"The following notice of them is copied from an article on Oude, published in an Indian periodical in 1852"

“ The Pasees live chiefly in the Banghor district in the northern part of this Kingdom. They are generally short, square shouldered, and well built. They are brave, active, and strong, and characterised - paradoxical as it may appear-as much by their honesty as for their extreme cunning and deceitfulness. They seldom till the soil: agri- culture is not their forte. They are professional thieves, and steal every thing they can lay a hand on, from a horse down to a pair of old shoes. In fighting, they make use of bows and arrows, and through their practice and strength, with unerring aim. Their bow has general- ly a double curve, and is made of horn. When using it, they support it on the ground and bend it with their toe and right hand. But

" their mode of warfare is chiefly a guerilla system"

. In the Banghor districts the report of a gun brings together thousands of those brave little fellows, for by a mutual compact they are bound to assist any Zemindar, who may choose to declare himself against the King's Chuckladar. They are often employed as watchmen and chowke-dars, and as such, prove remarkably faithful and honest. A man may send them with any sum of money, however large, without fear of their appropriating the least part of it; but when they are not held responsible, they rob and steal to their heart's content. There are two large Rajpasees, or chiefs of the Pasee caste, but a very large proportion serve under Talookdars as armed retainers. Their caste is a very low one in the Hindoo scale of gradation. The Rungers are of another but a similar caste. They are known to have great powers of endurance. Here is an example:-one of them, while hid under a heap of hay in a stable, where he had concealed himself to steal a pin horse, happening to disturb the animal, allowed the groom who was not aware of the thief's presence, to hammer an iron pin right through his hand, without uttering the least sound expressive of pain. He had then the intrepidity to extricate the mangled limb with his right hand, to loosen the horse, and to gallop off with it.
" At Behati , where Elderton lost his life, the Pasees were the chief defenders of the fort."

ref. Oude , it's Past and its Future ,1859 page.no. 442.

2nd copy

26. Of these the Pasees are the most numerous and important. Skilled in the use of the bow and arrow, they lead a lawless predatory life, ever ready, at the call of a chief, to fight on either side, or in any cause where there is prospect of reaping plunder. Their activity, fearless daring, and at the same time their singular fidelity when entrusted with charge, for them ready service watchmen.





1852 मैं छपा एक आर्टिकल था जो लंदन में पब्लिश हुआ था इसमें पासी जाति के बारे में उनकी कार्यशैली उनकी जीवन शैली के बारे में दर्शाया है यह आर्टिकल बताता है कि अवध में अट्ठा 1852 के समय काल में पासी अपने अपने क्षेत्र में बड़े शक्तिशाली थे यह हर क्षेत्रों में कार्यरत है इनका मुख्य ता पेशा सैनिक पेशा और चौकीदारी पै पेेेशा था

अधिकतर पासी धनुष बालों से लैस होते थे और विभिन्न तालुकदारों के यहां सेना में शामिल थे तालुकदार इनको वेतन दिया करते थे पासी जाति कृषि में निपुण नहीं थे ( इनका परंपरागत पेशा मात्र युद्ध करना और स्वतंत्र राज करना था)

पासी जाति के लोग बहादुर साहसी निडर वफादार इमानदार थे
वादे के पक्के थे यह उनके लिए वफादार नहीं थे जो चालाकी करते थे ।

( दोस्तों पर मैंने अनुवाद किया है यह एक आर्टिकल और गजट ईयर के अध्ययन के तहत अपनी बात रख रहा हूं )

पासी जाति का इतिहास
अवध में पासी जाति की जनसंख्या
भारत देश में पासी जाति की जनसंख्या
महाराजा सुहेलदेव पासी का इतिहास
महाराजा बिजली पासी का इतिहास
महाराजा सातन पासी का इतिहास
महाराजा लाखन पासी का इतिहास
महाराजा छीता पासी का इतिहास
पासी राजा गंगा बक्स का इतिहास
लखनऊ जिले का इतिहास
अवध का इतिहास


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