Survivor Top 10 Big Moves that Failed Spectacularly
Jimmy’s Random Jimmy’s Random
1K subscribers

 Published On Jan 19, 2024

Survivor's Biggest Moves/Blindsides that failed in spectacular fashion.
All Rights to CBS and Survivor.
Sorry I had to cut the last one for copyright reasons.

#10: Survivor Caramoan: Andrea. With an immunity idol in her pocket, Andrea attempted to blindside her biggest ally, Brenda. Brenda got wind of Andrea's plan and her alliance turned on her, taking her out with her idol.

#9: Survivor Second Chance: Fishbach. The entire game, Fishbach despised Joe and wanted him out. Joe finally didn't win immunity and Fishbach decided to play his secret advantage, which was the first ever steal-a-vote in Survivor. Fishbach stole Joe's vote, voted for Joe but was still blindsided by part of his alliance.

#8: Survivor Gabon: Randy. Randy's allies had been taken out in Marcus and Charlie, and he decided to make camp terrible for everyone else to receive votes, and counting on Bob having the hidden immunity idol. Bob had made a fake idol, and Sugar convinced Bob to give it to Randy, and Randy's plan backfired on him.

#7: Heroes vs Villains: JT. Nobody on Heroes vs Villains had seen Russell play before, and JT was adamant that Russell was good. With a small amount of cross-tribal communication, JT gave Russell his idol to 'save' him from the women on the Villains tribe. JT's idol was then used against him from Parvati to block out Sandra and Jerri's votes, and JT went home.

#6: Survivor 42: Drea. Omar had told Mike about Drea's 'Knowledge is Power' advantage, so Mike gave his idol to someone else to hold on to so Drea couldn't steal it. Drea then used her extra vote to attempt to get out Mike, but she didn't have the numbers to pull off the blindside.

#5: Game Changers: Cirie/Michaela. Sarah had given Cirie her steal-a-vote advantage as a sign of trust, but Cirie used it against Sarah to show her that Tai was being a rat in the game. Cirie couldn't use the advantage herself, and Sarah rallied the numbers to eliminate Michaela; Cirie's closest ally.

#4: David vs Goliath: Gabby. Gabby had done all of her moves with Christian in the game, her closest ally. She then decided to try and take out Christian to make moves of her own to get to the end. Gabby, taking a leap of faith couldn't trust her newfound allies who told Christian about the move, he first didn't believe them but then used his idol to take cancel out his votes, and Gabby was blindsided.

#3: Winners at War: Sandra. Sandra had an idol that could only be used at their next tribal council. Feeling safe, she wanted to make a big move to get out one of the guys, so she gave her idol to Denise. Denise already had a second idol, gave her idol to Jeremy as a sign of trust, and used her idol to take out Sandra.

#2: Micronesia: Erik. Erik continuously won individual immunity as he was the target of the Black Widow Brigade alliance. Feeling guilty about his past votes, the Black Widow Brigade hatched a plan to guilt Erik into giving up immunity and being in their good graces once again.

#1: Second Chance: Kimmi. Feeling on the bottom of her alliance, Kimmi decided to flip and side with Keith and Wentworth in the Final 6. Once Wentworth and Jeremy played their idols, there was another tie between Tasha and Kimmi. The group then had to decide to send Tasha, Kieth or Kimmi home, which lead to her demise. Had she flipped one vote sooner, she may have been in the final 3.

Honorable Mentions:
Survivor: Amazon: Christy
Survivor: Blood vs Water: Katie
Survivor: Worlds Apart: Dan
Survivor: Kaoh Rong: Jenny
Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X: Jessica
Survivor: Game Changers: JT
Survivor: Winners at War: Kim
Survivor: 41: Liana

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