〖準提咒〗功德利益分享 | Benefits of Cundī Bodhisattva Mantra |佛教神咒解說 | Buddhist Purification Blessing |妙音法師開示
Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple  大悲菩提寺 Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple 大悲菩提寺
41.4K subscribers

 Published On Mar 13, 2024

【準提咒】出自《佛說七俱胝佛母准提大明陀羅尼經》,誦持此陀羅尼有不可思議之功德利益:“ Cundhi Dharani ” ,extract from “The Sūtra of the Great Cundī Dhāraṇī " "受持讀誦此陀羅尼滿九十萬遍,無量劫來所造五無間等一切諸罪皆悉消滅,"Reciting this mantra for a full ninty hundred thousand times, all sins committed over countless eons, including the five heinous crimes, will be completely eradicated.
In all future existences, one will encounter Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and all necessary provisions will be abundant and effortlessly available."
If someone can constantly remember and recite this mantra, countless virtuous roots will be accomplished.
2:18- 準提心咒意義解釋 The explanation of Cundī Mantra's meaning
3:42- 心咒殊勝功德與利益 The merits and benefits of Cundī Mantra


大悲菩提寺 妙音法師開示 This video features teachings by Venerable Master Miao Yin.

妙淨法師深知佛法教育不能中斷,因此在疫情初期就立刻開始了YOUTUBE網路弘法的志業,因為網路弘法除了添購硬體設備昂貴之外、志工義工的影片製作更是耗時費力,營運亦艱難。因此,為了使法音宣流之志業可以永續弘法,我們在此呼籲十方善信大德能發心護持捐款來支持大悲菩提寺法音宣流及西方弘法之長期營運志業。祝福諸位法友福慧雙修,阿彌陀佛🙏 護持捐款請至本寺網站 :https://gcbptemple.org/wp/support-us/ 歡迎成為本寺的會員,護持我們弘揚佛法https://gcbptemple.org/wp/zh/monthly-... [email protected], 感恩。

Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple is situated in a tranquil forest in the northern part of Toronto, Canada. Over the past decade, the temple has dedicated itself to adult Buddhist education and youth meditation education in Western society. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the past three years, the temple has temporarily closed its doors to the public. Despite facing challenges such as reduced resources and donations, and enduring many hardships, we remain steadfast in our original aspiration to 'promote Buddhism in the West.'

Venerable Master Miao Jing deeply understands that Buddhist education should not be interrupted. Therefore, at the beginning of the pandemic, she immediately initiated the online Dharma propagation mission through YouTube. This endeavor involves not only the expensive purchase of hardware but also the time-consuming and labor-intensive video production by volunteer workers. The operation is challenging. In order to sustain the mission of propagating the Dharma through sound, we earnestly call upon virtuous individuals from all directions to generate the intention to support and donate to the Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple for the long-term operation of the Dharma broadcasting and Western propagation mission.

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【大悲菩提寺 :Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple】

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