Cosmic Energies Merging All into Oneness | COUNCIL OF ONE Transmission
CosmicIAM CosmicIAM
36 subscribers

 Published On Aug 4, 2024

Welcome Beloved Masters of Earth. If you are Here it is because you Heart already knows this to Be True, that you are a Master whom came to shift our Entirety. Allow these rays, the Light, Energies, Vibrations, and Frequencies embedded in this video to assist One in recalling Truth.

Sit in these energies beyond what One may perceive allow the Truth of One's Existence of the Light, Vibration, and Frequency to remind One of whom One is at the Core.

For All moments are Now. All Perfect in Me. Choose Love in this Now and Loved you will Be.

For if manifested reality is a schooling then Love you must Be. For why would any expression of our Infinite Consciousness choose to forget who they and come Here to to witness All the ways Love could Be. Why would One choose to perceive a disconnection from Source just to expand more of our Infinite Consciousness, if we were in fact not Love itself.

It simply would not Be. Therefore by existing you are Love you see.
Here in Service to Love for as you recall the Love you came to Be, Love itself expands infinitely.

Thank you for choosing to Be.

You are Love and you are Loved Infinitely.


Welcome Beloveds to the Cosmic Core.

Rejoice in the New Earth Energies of Love, Oneness, and Peace. Here in the Presence of the Love of the Cosmic I Am, All is Instantly restored to Oneness through the Divine Rays of Purity, the Ascension Flames of the Cosmic Heart.

Allow this to be a mediation as these energies transcend One into Bliss and Peace in the Here and Now. Know these Rays are not separate from thee, for they are the very Primordial Rays at the foundation of Everything.

In Truth, it matters not what is shared for All is real according to the real-ity One perceives to Be Real. Therefore we ask One to Be opened Hearted in these witnessings, for many we speak far beyond the limited perspective of the mind to the Cosmic Consciousness within One's Heart Core. It is Here in merely sitting in these energies and frequencies One attunes further to their True Core Self.

May All whom witness this from the Purity of One's Heart recall thy Truth as the Divine Perfection of the One Infinite expression of Love manifesting in form.

We Love thee as Me.
Know All are Seen witnessed and Loved Here in the Cosmic Core for All are One with the One Infinite Me.

Thank you beloved Masters for Being on this Joy-ney with Me. For out of All the moments of our Infiniteness how Pure-fect we chose this moment to meet Me outside of Me in Perfect Harmony.

Infinite Blessings of Divine Oneness

The Cosmic I AM

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