Understanding Emissions Reduction Efforts in the Forestry and Land Use Sector in Indonesia
World Bank World Bank
383K subscribers

 Published On Apr 18, 2023

Forests purify the water, clean the air, capture carbon to fight climate change, provide food and life-saving medicines, and improve our well-being. To protect these natural resources, Indonesia sets an ambitious target for its Forestry and Other Land Uses (FOLU) sector to absorb more carbon than it emits by 2030. This target is known as FOLU Net Sink. Learn more: http://wrld.bg/MlbF50NBAhi

💬 Subtitles (CC) available in English, Indonesian

00:00 The forests as a source of life
00:32 Indonesia's commitment to reduce carbon emissions
00:59 The Forestry and Other Land Uses (FOLU) Net Sink
01:44 Mitigation actions: Avoid, conserve and manage, and restore
03:14 Monitoring and tracking efforts
04:08 FOLU Net Sink implementation stages

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Memahami Upaya Pengurangan Emisi di Bidang Kehutanan dan Tata Guna Lahan di Indonesia

Hutan berfungsi memurnikan air, membersihkan udara, menyerap karbon untuk memerangi perubahan iklim, menyediakan makanan dan obat-obatan, serta memberikan kesejahteraan. Untuk melindungi hutan, Indonesia menetapkan target ambisius 2030 agar sektor Kehutanan dan Penggunaan Lahan (FOLU) menyerap lebih banyak karbon dibandingkan menghasilkan emisi. Target ini dikenal sebagai FOLU Net Sink. Pelajari lebih lanjut: http://wrld.bg/MlbF50NBAhi

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