Bolt Action v2 House Rules | Cinematic Tabletop
Cinematic Tabletop Cinematic Tabletop
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 Published On Mar 29, 2023

House rules used for battle reports featured on the channel. For quick reference these house rules are available for perusal in print below:

MMG Suppression
MMG teams inflict 1d2 pins when a target that is shot at is hit. This rule only applies to infantry MMG teams, not vehicle-mounted MMGs, HMGs, LMGs, etc.

Smoke Grenades
Smoke grenades launched from mortars or howitzers that miss the target resolve placement by rolling a scatter die or using the Bolt Action scatter template and land 2d6 inches in the direction generated.

Any infantry or artillery unit that is activated may also activate a friendly medic that is within 6 inches of it provided an order check is successfully passed if required. Once the unit has completed its order the activated medic is immediately given either a Run or Advance order (after an order check has been made if the medic has any pins) and it must end the movement within 6 inches of the unit that activated it. If this is impossible then the medic goes Down instead. This ability cannot be used if the targeted medic is inside a transport vehicle or building.

Whenever a unit is given an order to shoot or assault a medic or chaplain that unit must pass an order check with a -1 modifier before measuring. If this check fails the unit intentionally overshoots its target: the shots automatically miss and the order is resolved. This check must be made every time a unit is ordered to shoot at a medic or chaplain. Fanatic units may ignore this check.

Flamethrower Teams
If a flamethrower team fails its ammo check it is not removed from play but may continue to receive orders until it routs or is killed. The team cannot shoot at enemy units but may still capture objectives and conduct assaults. A marker should be placed next to the team to clearly identify it has exhausted its fuel supply. This rule only applies to flamethrower teams, not embedded flamethrower troops in units such as engineers and pioneers. In those cases the flamethrower unit is removed and the remaining loader becomes a rifle-armed trooper as usual.

Battlefield Wreckage
Destroyed vehicles count as obstacles that provide hard cover (if armoured, otherwise soft cover) and can be crossed by infantry as long as no model ends its action on top of the obstacle. Flaming vehicle wreckage cannot be crossed, however.

Buildings & Line of Fire
Units shooting out of buildings can only fire at targets that are within a 90 degree arc of fire from the designated openings on the floor occupied by the unit (windows, doors, holes, etc). Remember that a maximum of 2 models may fire per opening or 5 per building side if shooting from the roof or similarly open building facing (rulebook page 123). The same applies to units shooting at targets within buildings unless using high explosive weapons.

Tanks & Obstacles
Any fully tracked vehicle that has a damage value of 8 or more may attempt to push through a section of dense terrain that consists mainly of trees, bushes, etc. This requires an Advance order and a roll of 2D6 or a Run order and a roll of 3d6. If the result of the roll is equal to or less than the tank’s damage value then the tank has successfully forged its way through the wooded area. If it is greater than the tank’s damage value then it immediately halts upon contact with the terrain section, receives a pin marker and changes its order to Down. If the roll results in a 12 or higher the tank also becomes immobilised for the remainder of the game. This manoeuvre may only be attempted if the vehicle can end its movement fully clear of the terrain section otherwise another course of action must be chosen after declaring the order and measurement has been completed.

Tanks may also attempt to cross bocage with an Advance order without the benefit of a Culin hedge cutter. Roll 1d6: on a 1 or 2 the tank is stuck and becomes immobilised on the edge of initial contact with the bocage. Any other roll means the tank has successfully crossed the bocage.

Sniper Terror
When a unit with the team weapon rule is wounded by a sniper’s shot it must make a morale check. If successful it stays on the battlefield. If unsuccessful the unit is removed from the game. This simulates the team fleeing in panic at the sight of their sniped comrade.

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