DIY Indoor Pond Build in my House
More Palmer Aquatics More Palmer Aquatics
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 Published On Feb 15, 2021

This is my DIY indoor pond in my house for aquarium fish. Keeping an indoor pond in your house is super cool. This is my plywood indoor pond that I build to keep inside my house, I will heat this pond to keep aquarium fish in the pond.

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Ok, I need help. I got a 10 gal tank for my sons a couple months ago, we have a variety of stuff in there. They do over feed a little bit ( they’re kids) but otherwise everything’s been fine. The water gets murky I suspect from over feeding. Every time I’ve done a water change (50%) I have dead fish. First time I used purified water and added the conditioner anyway. One death. This time I used tap water with the conditioner. I think I was a little over on the amount of conditioner. I have 4 deaths and counting. What am I doing wrong?

Is the tank cycled? Do you have test results?
Are you using water conditioner for the entire tank volume or just what you take out? What water conditioner are you using?

Without knowing all the information.. I am guessing at this point. I just want you to know that. My theory is the inconsistency of your routines adding additional stress to your fish.

I would cut way back on feeding cuz in a small tank, the bb will not keep up. The water should be crystal clear by now. Feed 1/2 what you normally feed, but only every 2-3 days. Do 25% water changes every week, whether it looks cloudy or not. Vac your gravel when you do water changes.

PH currently 7.8
Ammonia 4.0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Does this shed any light

Ok so here is what is wrong. Ammonia is dangerously high. Dose conditioner by volume of entire tank. If you do a water change that shouldn’t be a problem IF you have a cycled tank.

What I would do. Test your tap water. Know the readings beforehand. (Just guessing you may not know). Test your tank daily. If ammonia is high. Do a water change. (Side note.. if you have a problem in your tank you need to remember whatever percentage you do say 50%.. you will be leaving 50% of the problem you have in your tank) watch your feed amount. That is also not helping your problems. You will see progress when your readings change. Nitrites will rise then your nitrates will rise and nitrites lower.. also ammonia will lower when your nitrates go up. You are doing a fish in cycle now.. so your first goal is get a cycle going.

But even though the fish have been in there for like 2 months and been fine ? The only reason I’ve changed water is to get rid of cloudiness. I don’t know what the tap water going in is test wise great idea. As I said when I used purified water I had one die. This time is far worse so I venture your correct on the tap water problem. I’m just bummed. Thought we had it dialed in.

you’re okay. You’re learning along the way. Don’t be hard on yourself. If you can peek into your filter you should be able to see beneficial bacteria building up in your filter. Which is a good thing and where you want to be.

I saw you said you had 14 fish in a 10 gal. Honestly that is a lot. I would not add more fish. Also.. so you are aware. A 10 gallon tank is very hard to control. It is such a small amount of water that is unforgiving at times. As you know.. the bigger the tank the easier or less forgiving it is. Not trying to make you get a bigger tank but giving you the info. Personally I only use a 10 gal for a quarantine/hospitals tank so I use less meds and cost less.

Ok cool, thanks, I thought the number was ok I guess not. Have 4 neon tetras. 2 corydora, 3 zebra danio, 2 red minnows, 3 molly/platy which are bigger guys. Still too much you think even with all the tiny dudes ?

But yes it is a lot. For a ten gallon.
If you had a 29 gallon. I would say differently. With your water already showing a trace of ammonia, 14 fish, and over feeding it is just creating more of a headache for you than enjoyment. Not to mention fish loss.

So I am not sure if you have a Petco nearby you but if you are ever in the market for a bigger tank they have a dollar per gallon sale multiple times a year up to i believe a 55 gallon. Just trying to save you money where I can.

Idk to be honest I’ve never crashed it myself but you have a large ammonia load with 14 fish being over fed. So now you really need to watch the food test often and keep up the water changes. Keep the filters as is because that’s where the bacteria is you don’t want to toss it or rinse it away.

But if it’s plugged and water flow is slow I’d take it out and rinse it in old tank water and put it back in. If you toss it there goes most of your beneficial bacteria which you need right now. Don’t rinse with tap water the chlorine will kill the bacteria.

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