How EU regulations affect OSPOs work and why you should care
17.7K subscribers

 Published On Sep 5, 2024

The panel will discuss how EU legislation affects the daily work of open source operations (upstream contribution to open source projects, open source compliance, etc) focusing on how these laws impact open source professionals working in OSPOs or similar entities. Panelists will cover some of the recent policy updates, the challenges of staying compliant when managing open source contribution and usage within organizations, and their personal experiences in adapting to the changing European regulatory environment.

Ana Jiménez Santamaría
OSPO Program Manager

Ana is the OSPO Program Manager at the TODO Group, a LF project and an open community of practitioners who aim to create and share knowledge and collaborate on practices, tools, and other ways to run successful and effective Open Source Program Offices. Formerly she worked at Bitergia, where she finished her MSc in Data Science, whose final thesis focused on measuring DevRel’s success within Open Source development communities.

Ana is really interested in Open Source, InnerSource, and community metrics. She has been a speaker at some international conferences such as GitHub Universe, FOSSBackstage Berlin, Open Compliance Summit Japan, OpenInfraDays, ISC Summit, and OSSummit.

Floor Drees
Staff Developer Advocate at Aiven

I’m a Staff Developer Advocate at Aiven(.io),we’re a managed solution for your favorite open source data tools. Previously I worked in Developer Relations roles at Grafana Labs and Microsoft. I co-organize devopsdays Amsterdam and devopsdays Eindhoven, as well as several meetup groups including, a monthly virtual-first-an-only meetup on open source topics.

I’m a devopsdays core member, and a Microsoft MVP, awarded for my community work in the developer technologies space.

I talk about dinosaurs and chickens a lot.

Natali Vlatko
Open Source Architect at Cisco, SIG Docs Co-Chair for Kubernetes

Natali Vlatko (she/her) is an Open Source Architect at Cisco, specializing in open software, policy, compliance, and governance, and is a SIG Docs Co-Chair for Kubernetes. She plays on the fun computer in her spare time. Her academic background is in Egyptology and Archaeology; specifically, burial customs across the various kingdoms of Ancient Egypt. Ask her about dead stuff.

Mirko Boehm
Community Development, Linux Foundation Europe

Mirko Boehm is a free and open source software contributor, community manager, licensing expert and researcher, with contributions to major open source projects like the KDE Desktop (since 1997, including several years on the KDE e.V. board), the Open Invention Network, the Open Source Initiative and others. He is a visiting lecturer and researcher on free and open source software at the Technical University of Berlin. Mirko Boehm has a wide range of experience as an entrepreneur, corporate manager, software developer and German Air Force officer. He joined the Linux Foundation in June 2023 as senior director for community development for Linux Foundation Europe, where he focuses on driving engagement and collaboration between all European open source stakeholders. Mirko speaks English and German and lives in the Berlin area.

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