逛表行的實用指南 | 英飛訪談 |楊受成博士 |香港鐘表口述歷史
Watch The World Watch The World
20.3K subscribers

 Published On Aug 2, 2023

「Watch The World Vlog #100 逛表行的實用指南 | 香港故事 |楊受成博士 |香港鐘表口述歷史 | 歐米茄勞力士代理權 」

這一集當然要有點份量,先請出楊受成博士,與我們分享一段香港故事──初出茅廬的年輕人,怎樣在60年代就拿下歐米茄和勞力士的代理權,造就一段mission impossible到nothing impossible 的佳話?而對愛表的消費者來說,逛表行有什麼實用的建議?這就得由鐘表零售前線出身的我,來為大家現身說法啦~

「Watch The World Vlog#100 Pointers for watch shopping| Hong Kong story| Dr. Albert Yeung |OMEGA/ROLEX dealership」

This is the 100th episode of this channel, thanks for all your support! Before viewing the video, please fill in the questionnaire, a million thanks. 👉🏻http://bit.ly/3q8dzDL

In this episode, we invited a heavyweight guest, Dr. Albert Yeung, to share his Hong Kong story – a fledgling young man – how did he get the dealership for OMEGA and ROLEX in the 60s – turning Mission Impossible to Nothing Impossible. For watch lovers, what are some useful pointers for shopping? I like to share my experience from my retail background! Please enjoy!

#hongkongstory #香港故事 #香港鐘錶史 #香港鐘錶業 #英飛訪談 #香港表行 #shoppinginhk #luxurywatch #watchshops #ROLEX #OMEGA #patekphilippe #mechanicalwatch #機械錶 #香港表行 #英皇珠寶鐘表 #楊受成 #hongkongtouristspot #香港旅遊 #shoppingtime #watchtheworld #luxurybrand #luxuryindustry

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