🔴The Narcissist Wants You Again but Doesn't Know How to Rebuild the Bridges They've Burned! | NPD
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 Published On Aug 17, 2024

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Hello everyone, welcome back to our channel. Today, we want to discuss a topic that many of you have been thinking about. It seems that a lot of you believe that because the narcissist is being silent, or because they have not reached out to you, or perhaps because you have seen them move on with someone new, you might feel like the narcissist does not want you anymore. I have seen your comments, and I understand that many of you are left feeling confused and hurt, thinking that the narcissist has simply moved on without you.

It is essential to understand that, deep down, the narcissist is aware that they have made a mistake. They realize that they messed up the relationship. This awareness is not always easy for them to accept, but it is there. If you identify as a chosen one or an empath, you likely possess a high level of intuition and empathetic abilities. You are the kind of person who feels the pain of others and often tries to help fix their problems. This ability to connect deeply with others has made you a significant source of emotional support for the narcissist. However, despite this connection, they have left you feeling abandoned and hurt.

Whether it was because they pushed you away too quickly or you were forced to cut ties with them, the outcome is the same. You found yourself discarded, left feeling high and dry. It may have been a few months or even a couple of years since this happened, but the truth remains: the narcissist wants you back. However, they do not know how to repair the damage they have caused or the bridge they have burned with you.

Narcissists are incredibly skilled at creating chaos and destruction in their relationships. They often thrive on drama and are experts at turning minor issues into significant problems. Their ability to create toxic situations is remarkable, and they frequently engage in smear campaigns against those they have hurt. This tendency to cause havoc in the lives of others is something they do with ease, as it is often easier to be destructive than to build something positive.

In our world, it is often said that it is simpler to be devilish than to be angelic. This saying reflects the reality that telling lies can be easier than telling the truth. Choosing the path of least resistance often leads individuals to do wrong rather than right. Narcissists tend to opt for this easier route, bringing destruction and fear into the lives of those around them. They try to ruin lives, but the truth is that their actions often stem from their own insecurities and fears.

So, when a narcissist reaches a moment of epiphany, often while they are with their new supply—perhaps they are even in a committed relationship, maybe married, or have children together—they may suddenly realize, "Oh, I messed up." At this moment, they become aware that the emotional fulfillment they once experienced is no longer present. They may start to feel a sense of emptiness, noting that their world does not look or feel the same without you by their side.

For instance, when they gaze at a tree, it no longer brings them the same joy or comfort as it did when they were with you. Each morning they wake up may feel dull and unexciting, lacking the warmth and connection they once had. However, they have burned many bridges in the process of their actions, making it incredibly difficult for them to find a way back to you.

"Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know may be involved with a narcissist, or are dealing with any psychological issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. This content is shared to offer insights and perspectives and should not be considered as professional or medical counsel."

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