Joe Inoue - KRD - Music Video (NOW ON SALE)
Joe Inoue Official English Joe Inoue Official English
197K subscribers

 Published On Nov 18, 2016

Song/Lyrics/Vocals/Instruments/Recording/Mixing/Mastering/Everything by: Joe inoue

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Lyrics: (Do NOT redistribute in ANY way, anywhere without my permission. Thank you)

「瞳」、ありがとう/Dear Hitomi (Eyes in Japanese), thank you 
雨の日、晴れの日も/Whether on a rainy or a sunny day
その美しい光景を届けてくれて/You bring me a beautiful view
ありがとう/ Thank you

「瞳」、ありがとう/Dear Hitomi (Eyes in Japanese), thank you  
大好きな人の事も/Whether it would be the one I love
大事な人達の事も/Or the ones I cherish
しっかりと、はっきりと、くっきりと/You make them all visible to me
映し出してくれる/Clearly and precisely

思い出にはいつでも「香り」がいた/As far back as I can remember,
物心ついた頃から/There was always the existence of Kaori (Scent in Japanese)
そんな「香り」を紹介してくれたのは/And the one who introduced me to her
曲がる事が大嫌いな「鼻」だった/Was Hana (Nose in Japanese)  

「耳」がいなけりゃ僕はきっと/Without Mimi (Ears in Japanese),  
歌っている事もなかったんだ/I probably wouldn’t be singing right now
「耳」がいなけりゃ僕はきっと/ Without Mimi,
違った道を歩んでいたんだ/I would be walking a very different path
「足」がいなけりゃ/Without Ashi (Feet in Japanese),
あっちまで歩くのも大変なはずだし/It would be difficult to get from here to there
「手手」がいなければ僕は。。。/Without Tete (Cute way of saying hands in Japanese), I would be…

この世に生まれおちる時に/When I was dropped into this world,
私の脳みそが乗り込んだ/My brain boarded into my body
それはまるで/My body is like
優しい鎧のような/An armor for my mind
歩く車のような/It is like a walking car
僕の体/My body…

呼吸を止めないで/Don’t stop breathing

いつでも僕を支えてくれている「床」/Yuka (Floor in Japanese) always supports me
世界中の人々包み込む「空」/Sora (Sky in Japanese) embraces the people around the world
気分屋の君が降らす涙と/You are moody, and sometimes you are crying
それをまるでなかった事のように放つ/Then you light up
清々しすぎる笑顔/With a bright smile
繰り返してこの星に命与えたんだ/You repeated the rain and sunshine and gave life on earth

誰にでも優しい「春」/Haru (Spring in Japanese) is kind to everyone
引きこもりでさえ外に出る/She has the power to invite everyone outside
僕の一番好きな「夏」/My favorite Natsu (Summer in Japanese)
君がいてこの僕がある/I am here because of you
美味しい食べ物いっぱい生み出してくれる「秋」/Aki (Fall in Japanese) provides us with tasty meals
白銀の季節に白く染めてよ、「雪」/Dye us white during the platinum season, Yuki (Snow in Japanese)

気まぐれのように見せているのかい?/Are trying to make it seem like it’s a coincidence?
それにしちゃあ出来過ぎていないかい?/I can’t help it but feel like all this makes too much sense
例えば、ほら/For example,
サンライズから始まって、サンセットで締め括って/The way the sun comes up, and then goes down
繰り返し再生/And it keeps on repeating

一つ何かあって/One thing happens
それが次の何かをつないで/And it influences the next thing
広がっていくんだ/And it keeps on spreading
闇と光の調整/Balancing the dark and the light
常に回り回って生きている/It all repeats, and we are living

ずっとずっと笑っていたいよ/I just want to keep on laughing
明日なんか関係なく/Not worrying about tomorrow
みんなみんな、ぎゅっとしていたいよ/I just want to hug everyone
なんもかんも関係なく/Not worrying about anything at all

Facebook:   / joeinoue  
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Snapchat: joe_inoue

Donation for Joe: Any amount is truly appreciated:

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