What if Anakin Skywalker’s Nightmares Were CURED By Yoda ?
Darth Theorist Darth Theorist
11K subscribers

 Published On Jun 6, 2024

What if Yoda CURED Anakin Skywalker’s Nightmares? Let’s explore the depths of it in this video.

Anakin tosses and turns in his bed, feeling the nightmares returning. It's the same one every time he tries to sleep. He watches his wife giving birth in a hospital, a place with all the latest medicine and equipment available.

But none of that stops his wife’s agonising screams. It doesn’t halt her pain as she struggles through the birthing process. Towards the end, she begins to weaken, her struggles softening as she fights to exhaustion. The doctors are helpless even to ease the pain until it is too late.

Only after watching the whole thing can Anakin finally wake up. He looks around at his empty Jedi quarters and then towards the rising sun. Placing a hand on his face, he reluctantly gets up to start his day rather than risk more nightmares.

He goes through his regular schedule in the Jedi Temple, training and observing the younglings. However, while watching a group of students training, a voice calls out behind him.

Yoda: A moment, young Skywalker.

Anakin bows his head and follows Yoda through the halls.

Anakin: What can I do for you, Master Yoda?

Yoda: Nothing, beyond answering my questions. Tired you seem. Something bothering you there is?

Anakin hesitates to speak. He’s unsure what to say to the Jedi and tries his best not to grimace. Since the nightmares began, his performance hasn’t been up to standard and he rarely meditated as the dreams would sometimes come even when he simply closed his eyes. He hoped the Jedi wouldn’t notice.

Anakin: I’ve been struggling with sleep, lately master.

Yoda frowns and places a reassuring hand on his forearm

Yoda: suffering from nightmares, You are?

Anakin: How did you know?

Yoda: Chuckles. Not the first Jedi to have insomnia, you are. Part of being Force-Sensitive that is. Powerful dreams are. Sometimes used by the Force to communicate with us.

Anakin: I was worried you’d say that.

Yoda: A heavy burden it is to be gifted with such powers but deal with it alone, you will not. Many Jedi, I have helped. Perhaps help you I can.

Anakin looks up in surprise at the offer. He was torn up about it. While getting some relief from his nightmares was a tempting offer, he was worried about what this might entail and what Yoda would find while helping him.

He doesn’t answer which prompts Yoda to press further.

Yoda: Whatever you fear, Skywalker. Know that you cannot deal with it in your present state.

That proves to be enough for Anakin who agrees. The two of them head back to Anakin’s quarters where he lies on the bed. Yoda places his hands on Anakin’s temples and begins to channel the force, probing into his mind to see his dreams.

The dreams begin to replay, showcasing the recurring nightmare that Anakin experienced. He sees Padme succumbing to childbirth while Anakin watches helplessly and immediately knows what is happening.

He frowns at Anakin when he wakes up and the two share an understanding look. However, Yoda pats his shoulder sympathetically.

Yoda: Troubling dreams you have experienced, Skywalker. And filled with darkness, I sense. Sent by the dark side, they are. Sent to tempt you.

Anakin struggles to make sense of this . If these dreams were from the Dark Side, who had sent them?

Anakin: Master Yoda, I-

Yoda: Much you have to think about. Difficult it is, worry not about your role in the order for now. Simply remember what we have taught you about attachment.

In truth, he was very displeased with Anakin and would have wanted to investigate this matter properly. However, with everything happening in the war he realizes it's best to wait until the CIS has been dealt with. The Jedi need to present a united front now more than ever.
Without having to worry about those nightmares, Anakin feels an immediate improvement. He throws himself into training, making up for lost time, meditating, and sparring with other Jedi.

When he isn’t in the temple, Anikan is off visiting Padme. Although the spectre of his fears remains, he has a better handle on his emotions. However, as he sees how healthy and strong Padme is, that fear begins to dissipate .

Palpatine is furious at this change. Without the dreams, he needs a new way to lure Anakin. Something more direct.

For the next few days, it seems like things are heading back to normal. Anakin assists in the relief efforts to rebuild Coruscant after the CIS attack, something that provides a welcome distraction. However, one day during a mercy mission in the lower levels, Anakin receives a transmission from C-3PO.

3PO: Master Anakin, please help. There is an intruder who is trying to infiltrate Mistress Padme’s home. We’ve barricaded the door, but we don’t know how long it will hold.

Anakin drops his holodisk and rushes off, ordering Rex to send his troops to help.

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