Making a survival bike test in the forest 🚵‍♂️
Elevate Adventures with Denys!!! Elevate Adventures with Denys!!!
241 subscribers

 Published On Sep 5, 2024

In an old garage, among dusty tools and rusty parts, I found a bicycle that had once been a reliable companion on my first journeys. The years had passed and its shine had faded, but I knew that inside its metal heart there was still an indomitable spirit of adventure. It was time to resurrect it for a new great journey. The first thing I decided to do was completely renew the lubrication in all the components of the bike. I carefully disassembled the bearings, cleaning off the old, dried grease, and applied fresh, thick grease to every part that touched in this complex mechanism. The chain links regained their original shine, and the pedals began to turn with ease, as if they were brought back to life. Then I lubricated the brake and gear cables so that every pull of the levers brought the pleasure of a perfectly operating mechanism. As the bike creaked again, as if remembering its past expeditions, I began installing the parts that would make it ideal for long journeys. First, I installed the rear and front racks. These steel structures promised to hold all my luggage and provisions. I secured them tightly so that no bump in the road could loosen their grip.
Next came the turn of the three bottle holders. It is important to maintain hydration when traveling, and I wanted to be sure that I would always have enough water on hand. After filling the bottles, I felt that this bike was gradually turning into a real vehicle for long adventures.
Next, I replaced the old, worn handlebars with new, soft and comfortable ones that promised not to rub my hands even after many hours of travel. Having installed a front headlight, I knew for sure that even in the dark my path would be illuminated. Then I adjusted the height of the handlebars to avoid strain on my back, and adjusted the position of the gear shifters and brakes to make every maneuver comfortable and safe.
The final stage of assembly was especially important. I installed the saddle bag, filling it with the necessary tools for field repairs. Small but roomy, it became the heart of my repair kit. The phone bag, in which I put a power bank, a charging cable and the phone itself, promised to maintain contact with the outside world, even if I found myself far from civilization.
The last step was to install four bags on the front and rear racks. In the rear bags, I carefully packed a sleeping bag, a hammock and a small axe - everything you need for a night in the open. In the front bags went a change of clothes, a gas cylinder, a stove, a kettle, a pot, a fishing rod and some freeze-dried lunches and breakfasts. Now the bike was ready. In front of me stood a real adventure machine, equipped with everything you need for long days on the road.
When I was finally done, I took a few steps back to admire the result of my labor. The bike, once old and almost forgotten, became a faithful companion, ready for new achievements. This was my first culmination: a feeling of completion and readiness for the road ahead.
I got on the bike, and the first meters of the bike path were pleasant and easy. The landscape around me slowly changed. The city streets with their noise and bustle gave way to green meadows and forest plantations. The light from the setting sun touched the treetops, illuminating them with a warm orange light. The road took me further from the city bustle, into the world of nature and silence.
I passed parks, lakes, saw how the light was reflected in their calm waters. Meadows with tall grass and wild flowers became my new surroundings. The bike flew forward, as if it wanted to conquer the vastness itself, and soon I found myself on the shore of a large river bay. Here I decided to stop for the night.
I set up camp and, breathing in the fresh air, put the kettle on the stove. The raspberry, currant, chamomile and oak leaves collected along the way became the basis for my evening tea. When the aroma of herbs filled the air, I felt myself a part of this world where man and nature exist in harmony.
Having poured a cup of hot tea, I took a fishing rod and went fishing. The water in the river was calm, and every time I cast the rod, the hope for a catch grew stronger. And then, feeling a sharp tug, I realized - a big fish was on the hook. It was struggling and wriggling, trying to break away, but I confidently held it. The fight was not for life, but for dinner. In the end, I won, pulling a huge fish to the shore. This was the second culmination, complete satisfaction from the achieved result.
Night fell, and, lying in a hammock under the stars, I thought about how the creation of this travel bike brought me here, to these unique events. In the morning, having slept well, I collected all my things, packed them on my bike and headed home. The road was easy and joyful, because I knew that this bike would lead me to new, unique adventures more than once.

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