【善光寺】善光寺「お朝事」と本坊大勧進での体験プラン【Zenkoji 】Temple Morning Service and Experience at Head Temple Daikanjin
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 Published On May 16, 2021

善光寺は日本最古と言われる仏像を祀るお寺であり、昔から「一生に一度は善光寺参り」として人々に語られています。そんな、善光寺の一日は、本堂が日の出に合わせて開き、朝のお勤め「お朝事」で始まります。静寂に包まれた本堂に全山住職の厳かな読経が響きわたる行事は、ずっと昔から365日欠かさず行われる。早朝の風景です。当企画では、英語ガイドが同行しながらお朝事と、善光寺本坊で、住職(貫主)が善光寺の住職も兼ねる、「本坊 大勧進」の「特別拝観」と、願いを書いた木の札を、自ら仏の釜に入れ願う「廻り護摩」お教を書写して功徳を積み仏の智慧を授かる「写経体験」または、心を落ち着かせ心身を安定させる「座禅体験」を行う企画となります。日本を代表する霊場での特別な体験をいただけます。


Zenkoji Temple is believed to house the oldest statue of Buddha ever brought to Japan, and it is often said that “you have to visit Zenkoji Temple at least once in your life.” Our day trip at Zenkoji Temple will begin at the main hall as the sun rises and the priests begin their morning duties. In a long-held tradition, the head priests of every temple within the Zenkoji compound gather in the still quiet of the dawn to recite sutras each morning of the year. With this plan, you can enjoy the beauty of this ceremony along with other traditional Buddhist experiences like Mawari Goma, a ritual during which visitors write their wishes on a wooden placard and place it in a sacred purifying flame. Then, gain the wisdom offered by Buddhist teachings when you take part in a meditative sutra copying calligraphy experience. Come try these rare activities at one of Japan’s most sacred sites!

#善光寺 #御開帳 #長野県


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