酒香杂果牛油蛋糕 RUM Mixed Fruits Butter Cake 圣诞杂果蛋糕 无香料减糖版
豪儿妈咪HaoerMom 豪儿妈咪HaoerMom
509 subscribers

 Published On Dec 20, 2022

🔶酒香杂果牛油蛋糕 RUM Mixed Fruits Butter Cake🔶少糖少甜无香料版
(食谱可做3个长形蛋糕如视频里的蛋糕模具 Recipe can make 3pcs rectangle cake which size mold as per video)
🔹Ingredients 材料:
1) Mixed Fruits 杂果 – 400g
2) Red Cherry 红樱桃 – 15g
3) Red / Green Papaya – 红绿色木瓜干 / 樱桃粒 – 50g
4) High Protein Flour 高筋面粉 – 172.5g
5) Low Protein Flour 底筋面粉 – 150g
6) Baking Powder 发粉 – 5g
7) Butter (Salted) – 有盐牛油 – 297g
8) Planta 白兰他牛油 – 74g
9) Brown Sugar 黄糖 – 15g
10) Eggs 鸡蛋 - 6粒 (大概1粒重量 53-55g)

🔹Method 做法:
1) 准备一个干净的玻璃瓶加入杂果, 倒入RUM酒,刚好盖过杂果就可以了。盖上盖子放入冰箱浸泡至少5天以上。
Prepare a clean glass jar add in mixed fruits, pour in RUM wine until slightly cover the mixed fruits, cover lid & put into fridge and soak for at least 5-7days.
2) 过后从冰箱拿出来,放入红绿干果粒或樱桃粒搅拌均匀(红绿果这时候才放是让蛋糕颜色有红绿色比较好看)。用筛子把干果里的酒过滤出来备用。
After that take it from fridge, add in red/green dried papaya/cherries and mixed well. Remove wine from the mixed fruits with sifter and set aside.
3) 碗里倒入高筋面粉和底筋面粉, 再加入发粉混合均匀。
In a bowl add in high & low protein flour, add in baking powder & mix well.
4) 然后舀出5汤匙的粉类加入到杂果里, 搅拌均匀至每一粒杂果都裹上粉 (这样的做法杂果就不会沉淀在蛋糕底部)
Spoon in 5 Tablespoon of flour into mixed fruits, mixed well until every fruits coated with flour for the purpose of prevention from the mixed fruits sinking on the bottom of cake.
5) 搅拌盘里加入Planta菜油和牛油(牛油必须室温软化先), 然后加入黄糖, 用电动搅拌机用高速打大约6分钟。中途要用刮刀刮开盘边的面糊, 再继续打至面糊呈现乳白色。
In a mixing bowl put in Planta & butter (Butter was softened with room temperature), then add in brown sugar, beat it with hand mixer at high speed for 6min. Clean up bowl surface's batter with spatula during the beating process. Continue beat until yellow white color.
6) 接着加入第一粒鸡蛋用慢速搅拌均匀 (鸡蛋要一粒一粒加不然面糊会油水分离) 时时刻刻要用刮刀清理下黏在搅拌盆上的面糊。同样的做法直到第6粒鸡蛋搅拌均匀为止。
Add in 1st egg into the mixture, beat with low speed till evenly. Egg must be mixed one by one to prevent from oil separating. Clean up the mixing bowl’s surface and continue same method until the last egg mixed completely.
7) 倒入一半的杂果和粉类,用刮刀翻拌均匀。再倒入剩下的杂果和粉类, 用刮刀翻拌均匀。用电动打蛋器稍微搅拌一下然后加入一小匙RUM酒, 再用电动打蛋器搅拌一会儿(不能搅拌过度)
pour in half portion of mixed fruits and flour mixture, mix it with spatula. Pour in the remaining fruits and flour, mix well with spatula. Slightly mix it with electric mixer then add in 1 teaspoon of RUM wine, then mix it with electric mixer for a while (Do not overbeat)
8) 准备一个铝箔蛋糕盒或蛋糕盆, 舀入面糊至八分满铺平面糊。
prepare a aluminium foil cake box/cake pan, spoon in cake batter until 80% full.
9) 放入预热烤箱烤155度一个小时。 一个小时后, 烤好后拿出来,用叉子在蛋糕上叉些洞孔让酒精渗透蛋糕里,倒入3汤匙酒精,盖上盖子,放入冰箱3天让蛋糕吸收酒精
Put into preheated oven 155'C bake for 1 hour. After one hour, transfer cake from oven and poke holes over the top of the cake to allow the cake to absorb the wine. Pour in 3 tablespoon wine then cover it with lid. Put inside the fridge for 3 days to absorb wine.
10) 三天后拿出来再淋上3汤匙酒然后再放入冰箱,3天过后就可以享用了。
3days later, spoon in 3 Tbsp wine then put in fridge & serve after 3days.


Baking packaging supplier :-
Shopee Shop https://shope.ee/2putuj74hq
Lazada Shop https://cutt.ly/rXxDj8F

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