"MISSA TRIDENTINA" - Hebdomada Sancta in Jerusalem [Custodia Terræ Sanctæ, 1950s]
Karol Gazdík Karol Gazdík
1.91K subscribers

 Published On Apr 19, 2022

Zábery dokumentujú slávenie Veľkého týždňa v Jeruzaleme v 50. rokoch minulého storočia. Dokument je z produkcie Kustódie Svätej zeme.
Tu je možnosť ich finančne podporiť: https://www.fondazioneterrasanta.it/s...

Zaujímavý je obrad zloženia a uloženia Kristovho tela z kríža v čase 13:33
V čase 2:54 vidieť ukážku dennej procesie konanej v kostole Božieho hrobu, z kaplnky Zjavenia Krista Panne Márii, zastaviac sa pri stĺpe bičovania, potom v Kristovej väznici, v kaplnke sv. Heleny, kde boli nájdené relikvie kríža, hore na Golgote a potom na mieste hrobu.
Požehnanie chleba vo svätyni v Emauzách, ktoré latinský biskup rozdáva veriacim, ako Kristus dával chlieb dvom učeníkom pri večeri v Emauzách môžeme zas vidieť v časti 16:25
The footage documents the celebrations of Holy Week in Jerusalem in the 1950s. The documentary is produced by the Custody of the Holy Land.
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Start: a ritual held every first Thursday of the month at basilica of Gethsemani, the reading of the Passion Gospel, which is slightly different Passion tone from the classic Passion tone.
1:39 In the refectory of the Friars of the Custody on Good Friday, the rector of the house serves the meal, which is taken kneeling.
2:54 Part of the daily procession held in the church of the Holy Sepulcher, from the chapel of the Apparence of Christ to the Virgin Mary, stops at the column of the flagellation, then goes to the prison of Christ, the place of the dividing of the garments, down to the chapel of St Helena, where the relics of the Cross were found, up to Golgotha, and then to the site of the sepulcher.
5:35 Beginning outside of the basilica, a long section showing pilgrims on the Via Dolorosa.
13:33 Then ceremony of the deposition of the body of the Christ from Cross.
16:25 Blessing of bread at the sanctuary at Emmaus, which the Latin bishop gives out to the faithful as Christ gave bread to the two disciples at the Supper at Emmaus.
17:14 “The reality of the mystery which is spiritually tangible, evoked through these rites, stirs up in the soul sentiments not unlike those lived by the fortunate protagonists of these great matters: being present for the miracle of the Incarnation, suffering with Jesus the agonies of the Passion, rising in Him to a new life, contemplating Him in the glory of the Ascension, living again that transformation which His Gospel brought about in the world. All this has the serene spontaneity of a dream, but impresses upon us the effects of an deep devotion. ‘I will fulfill in me what is lacking in the Passion of Christ.’ ”

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