Two Blocks Hanging From a Massless Pulley (aka. The Hanging Atwood Machine)
37.3K subscribers

 Published On Aug 24, 2020

Another classic problem from virtually every high school physics text. Two blocks hanging from opposite sides of a massless, frictionless pulley are released from rest and allowed to accelerate.

In this problem we will calculate the tension in the connecting string as well as the acceleration of each block. In this problem we will use Newton's Laws (primarily Newton's 2nd Law), a system of equations and free body diagrams for each block in order to solve for an equation that describes the acceleration of the system.

We will derive a solution for the vertical acceleration of each block. Based on the ratio of masses between the two blocks the acceleration may be in either direction. The solution will account for that.

In this problem there is no friction at the pulley axle and the pulley does not have any mass.

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